
Welcome to the AccountingSuite Community!

Welcome to the AccountingSuite Community Forums!    We love feedback and are creating this community so that you have a place to let us know how you feel, tell us what you need and hear about your success with our software.   By sharing your feedback and experiences publicly, you'll possibly be helping the rest of the user community and hopefully getting some ideas from other users.

To create a post for the community, simply click New Topic in the Upper Right side of your screen in the sidebar.  You can choose to post a question, propose an idea or report an issue.    Issues will automatically be forwarded to AccountingSuite Help and Support for resolution.   Idea will be submitted to the Product Management group for consideration, and the status of your ideas will be updated as they are discussed.     The community will all be moderated by Help and Support who will answer any questions you may have.

We encourage you to participate!

Thank you for choosing AccountingSuite!

Jay Larson
Customer Success Manager