Assembly Builds
Troubleshooting auto-assembly.
In order for auto-assembly to function, the following requirements must be met: 1) The item has the assembly checkbox checked, has a bill of materials completed with the auto-assembly checkbox checked. 2) The auto-assembly checkbox must be checked in ...
Assembly FAQ
1.) I read somewhere that you have assemblies. What is an assembly? CustomBooks™ has Assembly or Bill of Materials (BOM) functionality commonly used in the manufacturing industry, among others. The Bill of Materials in CustomBooks™ allows you to ...
How do I print the components of an assembly build on a printed sales invoice?
By default just the final product is printed on printed documents. There is an option to print the components on the sales invoice, however. To do so, take the following steps: 1) Navigate to Quick Menu → Settings → Print form setup. 2) Click Sales ...
Assembly/Bill of Materials
Assembly CustomBooks™ has Assembly/Bill of Materials (BOM) functionality commonly used in the manufacturing industry, among others. The Assembly/BOM feature allows users to list all the components, raw materials, services or labor, and sub-assemblies ...