Inventory Overview
Items Tips and Tricks
Inventory Item Tips and Tricks Generate an Inventory Adjustment using the Generate button. Set up advanced pricing using the The Price Matrix link at the top of the Item Card. Attach related documents to the item by clicking the Attached Files ...
Enabling and Disabling Items
Enabling / Disabling Items To disable an item: Open the item detail by double-clicking the item in the list. Check the checkbox labeled “Item is Inactive” located near the bottom of the screen. Click Save and Close. To enable an item, simply uncheck ...
Item Details
Viewing Inventory Location and Quantity Information on the Item Card There are several ways to view inventory quantity and location information. Viewing Inventory Location If a report isn’t necessary, click the Inventory location info button (1, ...
Inventory Overview
Inventory Anytime, anywhere inventory management in the cloud. Our advanced inventory system is capable of tracking multiple warehouses and comes complete with classes, projects, and user-defined, hierarchical location tracking that doesn’t stop at ...
If we do a shipment for a quantity of 50, and an invoice for quantity of 60 does an extra quantity of 10 get pulled out of inventory because of the invoice?
In the Sales cycle, inventory transactions happen on the Shipment if that document is used and the Sales Invoice if the Shipment document isn't used. If you have an order for 50 and ship 50, creating an invoice for 60 does not cause an extra 10 to be ...
How does CustomBooks™ help me manage my inventory?
Where do we start? Multi location Functionality - track items in multiple locations. In addiction, use the hierarchical capabilities to track within a location - warehouse sections, rooms, bins - whatever makes sense for your business. Utilize the ...