8.3.16 Platform Update Changes

8.3.16 Platform Update Changes

On Friday October 16, AccountingSuite™ will be upgrading the base platform that is the engine to our software package.    Although this upgrade won’t bring about any earth shattering new features, it does fix some bugs and enhance the user interface.   This article lays out a summary of changes that you can expect to see after the upgrade is completed. 

User Interface Changes

1.   The tools panel has been removed and the tools placed in other parts of the application.

      1a  The universal search is now part of the header.

      1b  The notification, history and favorites icons are now in the header.

2.  The header, which is available on every page contains the email address of the logged in user, the edition of the software being used, the account number and our support phone number.

3.  The command bar functions have been consolidated and placed into a drop down services and settings menu in the upper right hand corner.

4.  The dock, show side-by-side, scale, edit and window functions have moved to a new menu (accessed by the three vertical dots).

5. The Get Link button has been moved next to the new services and settings menu.   Use this button to generate a link that can be added to your favorites or click external to get the link in a format that you can send to a colleague via email or IM.

Dialog boxes and error message windows have been cleaned up and simplified.

The old dialog boxes had a gray border and some buttons in the upper right  hand corner.

The New Dialog Box:  Cleaner and Leaner (but not meaner)!

Collaboration System (Conversations) Changes

1.  Video calls have been enhanced and are available if there is a microphone and a webcam connected.  

2. You can now screen share during a call.

3. Emoticons are now supported with chat messages

In addition to these User Interface changes and new features,  over 700 platform and AccountingSuite™ bugs have been resolved with this upgrade.

System Requirements Changes

  • MacOS must be version 10.11 or later.  We are no longer supporting Mac OSX versions 10.10 or earlier.

  • Google Chrome must be version 49 or later.  Versions 48 and earlier are no longer supported.

  • All other system requirements remain unchanged.

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