AccountingSuite™ Release Notes: Komondor 5 | Spring 2024 to June 25, 2024
- New Annual Pricing options are now available, which can save up to 15% off the monthly pricing.
- Prices have increased for new users. Existing users will maintain current pricing.
Cloud Payroll
Future payrolls: Users have the ability to view and edit up to three months of future payrolls. This feature can be configured or disabled by navigating to Payroll > General Settings.

- Employees per payroll: The quantity of employees included in each payroll is now a column in the payroll draft.
- Auto-updates: The number of employees and check date will automatically refresh in the payroll drafts list. For instance, a new hire will alter the number of employees and will be refreshed in the list after synchronization.
- Authorization: For those who have previously used Gusto for payroll, these users will see a Gusto-hosted screen to select a company to connect to their current AccountingSuite™ tenant.
- Note to employees: A new Note to Employee column is available in the Hours and Earnings table. The Note to employee will be shown on the employee paystubs as a personal note.
- Reports: Payroll Journal & Benefits and Deductions reports support changes in the structure of Addresses and Jobs endpoints.
Data Import Wizard
- Transactions are now part of the rebuilt Data Import Wizard. More information about the import process can be found here.
- Serial Number and Lot Adjustments have been added when importing inventory items (if applicable) to simplify the process for users to do this in one import session.
- We have improved the UI/UX for mapping fields and managing columns. The ability to add and show extra columns, as well as filter columns, has been added to the Staging step for users to preview and sort fields that may be critical to imports. You can also now easily see required, key, and custom fields.
- The Data Import Wizard now allows URLs to be imported for Bills.
- New error messages when trying to edit the Chart of Accounts will show more information, allowing you to quickly identify any blockers and resolve problems easily.
- The inbox in your User Portal now has a column to easily identify who messages are received from:

Improvements have been made to emails coming from AccountingSuite™:
The default “From, Name” will pull the Company Name from General Settings; the “From, Email” will show as “”.
“Reply-to” will pull the value in the “From” email field which defaults to the logged in person who sent it. This is also editable.
- Certain transactions that were previously routing to the default "Exchange gain or loss" account will now route to the default "Suspense/Ask Accounting Professional" general ledger account. This account must be filled in order to save or post transactions. You can access this account and all other default accounts by navigating to Accounting > Accounting Settings.

When blank default accounts are detected in your tenant, you will be presented with the following screen upon logging in. From here, you can either assign a GL account that is already in the Chart of Accounts, create a new GL account to be used, or dismiss the prompt entirely and resolve the issue later.

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