All AccountingSuite™ Menus are redesigned and organized for better work flows, and are Edition based with clear and focused UX/UI!
Side Menu with key/all user accessed Menus at the top, followed by Module Menus in order of Edition.
New Quick Menu is now a “Quick-Create” Menu! The most used Documents are organized by Module - click once and create a new Document in seconds. And check out the + Customer and + Vendor!
Admin Panel will make all our Admins love us. All Settings, fundamental Tools and our powerful Universal Report are here!
New Security Settings - is where you will find the User List - and in the near future even more great Security features will be added!
No searching required! Lists is where it’s at - all AccountingSuite™ Catalogs are here, and in order of where they are in the Side Menu!
All Module Menus are organized by Section Groups:
Documents, Lists, Reports, Tools, Settings.
We have multiple access points now for menu items - check out Items - it is now in Lists, Sales and Purchases Menus!
Our new Document Footers have it all!
Access and analyze in seconds - Lines Total, Discount, Subtotal, Shipping, Tax and the final Total.
The new Document Footer Expanded:
The new Document Footer Collapsed:
Documents with Multi-currency clearly show Document (foreign) currency, then the converted Reporting currency.
Footer with Multi-currency Document, Expanded:
Footer with Multi-currency Document, Collapsed:
Announcing our latest Extension...
Manage your Fixed Assets with AccountingSuite™’s Asset Tracker Extension.
Easily track and manage depreciation with Schedules and Disposal of your Assets.
Attach images and Asset details to keep everything tidy & organized!
Paya is now fully enabled in Test Companies/Sandboxes!
More required fields and enhanced security for Paya!
From Settings open Paya Merchant dashboard and update their settings on the Paya side.
CVV authentication field is now available to use
Billing Street Address and Billing Zip Code are now added for both ACH and Credit Cards - and these can be defaulted to be required fields.
New UI/UX to guide users to retry the same payment method or use another payment method after a failed attempt.
Credit Cards used/saved are available to choose from, with the current credit card indicated.
Auto-Recategorize process improvements:
System remembers the last date when Transactions changes were posted.
System remembers the last date when categorization rules were changed.
System remembers the last recategorization completed per bank and credit card --> a timestamp is added so it’s not unnecessarily recategorizing.
After disconnecting a bank account:
Site ID will be remembered.
Bank information will show on the G/L screen: both Bank Name and Bank Icon/Logo.
Improved UX: If incorrect credentials are entered we guide you on the recommended actions to resolve!