Activating/Deactivating the Support User

Activating/Deactivating the Support User

CustomBooks™ is equipped to provide strong support, ensuring smooth operations and quick resolution of any issues. Occasionally, our Help and Support team may need to log in to your account, with your permission, to assist in resolving problems. Granting this access is easy and can be done through your Security Settings.

Activating the Support User

  1. Login to your CustomBooks™ account.
  2. Navigate to Admin Panel > Security Settings.
  3. In the User List window, go to Users tab and click the Activate Support User button. This action will grant the Support User the necessary access to your account for troubleshooting purposes.

Deactivating the Support User

After the support session is complete, it is advisable to deactivate the Support User to ensure the security of your account. Follow these steps:
  1. Go back to the User List (Admin Panel > Security Settings).
  2. Click the Deactivate Support User button.

Security and Privacy

CustomBooks™ takes your security and privacy seriously. Activating the Support User only grants temporary access and can be controlled entirely by you. The Support User will only be able to access your account to the extent necessary to provide the required support, and you can deactivate this access at any time.

By following these steps, you can easily enable and disable support access in CustomBooks™, ensuring you receive the help you need while maintaining control over your account security.

For any further assistance or if you encounter any issues during this process, please contact our support team. We are here to help!

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