To automate your payroll filings, we need to have your company's accurate addresses. Please enter your mailing and filing addresses and all addresses where you have employees physically working in the United States.
To add new addresses, navigate to Payroll > Addresses. You will see all addresses that have previously been added and you can edit these addresses as needed. To create a new address, select the "Add address" button at the bottom of the page.
The next screen will then allow you to enter the street number/name, city, state, zip code, and phone number associated with this address. You can also set it as a mailing address or a filing address, if applicable. Once all information has been entered, click the "Save & continue" button to return to the previous list.

Once an address has been set as the work address for an employee, make sure the state tax setup has been completed fully for that state in order to avoid any late fees or other penalties, including future payrolls being blocked.