API Limits

API Limits

Our APIs are rate limited to prevent abuse and ensure service stability. These limits are administered within CustomBooks™.

Rate Limits

Rate limits control the number of API calls your Application (identified by Client ID) can make within a given time period. If this limit is exceeded, the API requests may fail.
There are limits to the number of API calls that your application can make to a particular CustomBooks™ company.
This applies to your Playground and the Live companies.

Daily Limit: 5000 calls per 24 hours.
Second Limit: 1 call per second.

If you exceed the limits, you may receive a HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) response.

Best practices

a) If you exceed the limits, do not continue to make requests, as this may extend the wait window and call count. Include code that catch such errors.
b) We recommend your using a queuing mechanism and allow a few seconds before attempting another request.
c) Spread out or regulate the API call rate.

Request Size Limits

A POST request has an overall size limit of 3 MB. 
Any request taking more than 2 minutes to respond will time out.
This limit does not apply to the APIs file read.

Best practices

a) For larger requests, we recommend your creating smaller batches of records to POST.
b) Use filters to limit the response size and avoid overlapping data requests.
c) Use caching for data that your app uses often.

Application Limits

For a given CustomBooks™ company, you can connect only one application independent of the user authorizing the company access.

Best Practices

When testing, use Playground Applications. 

Platform Limits

There can be other factors that may limit the CustomBooks™ platform API access. Some of these factors for a given CustomBooks™ company are:
a) Company's plan upgrade or downgrade.
b) Company's plan cancellation or Payment failures. 
c) Authorizing User's role/permission changes.
d) Maintenance Downtime.

Have Custom Rate Limit Needs?

Please connect with our Integrations Partner Manager to discuss your needs.

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