Assembly Bill of Materials Report

Assembly Bill of Materials Report


If you have ever wanted to see a quick look at what assemblies a product is used in, this report will do the trick.   Complete the steps below once and save,  and you can run the report whenever you need it.   The report will be grouped by raw material (bill of materials item) and list each assembly that uses it and the quantities needed.

Setting up and Running the Report

  1. Navigate to Reports / Universal Report
  2. In the first drop down, choose Information Register.
  3. In the second drop down, choose Assembly BOM.
  4. Click the Show Settings button.
  5. Click the Grouping tab.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Click the plus sign next to Material.
  8. Find Material.Description and double click it.
  9. Click the Indicators tab.
  10. Uncheck Product, Material and Material Parent.
  11. Click the Add New Field button.
  12. Scroll down to Material Parent and click the plus sign.
  13. In the expanded field section, double click Description.
  14. Ensure the new field is  in the list as Material Parent.Description.
  15. HIghlight this new entry and click the blue up arrow until it is located directly under Material Level.
  16. Click Save Settings.
  17. Give the report a name
  18. Click Save.
  19. Click Run Report.
  20. Click the star next to the report name to save it in your favorites for easy access. (optional)
See screenshots below.
Step 1 is navigation.
Steps 2-3 define the tables where the data is coming from.
Steps 4-8 define how the data will be grouped in the report.
Steps 9-15 define which fields will appear in the report and in which order.
Steps 16-18 save what you did in Steps 2-15 so you don't have to do this the next time you want to run the report.
Step 19 runs the report.
Step 20 saves the report to your favorites list.

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