Budget vs. Actual Report

Budget vs. Actual Report


The Budget vs. Actual Report will show budgeted amounts for each account included in the budget along with actual account totals for comparison purposes.


To run the Budget vs Actual report,
  1. Navigate to Reports / Budget vs Actual Report
  2. Choose a budget from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the accounting method (cash, accrual)  to base the report on.
  4. Choose an option from the Display By dropdown.
  5. Choose the account presentation mode:  Account Description only, Account Description and Code, or Code only.
  6. Check the checkboxes to Show accounts with a zero balance, show % of total and show total if those options are desired.
  7. Choose a sort field.
  8. Click Run Report.
  9. Click Save Settings to save these setting for a future report run (optional).

Note:  See the article on general report settings for more information on report options.

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