Can't see attachments on iPhone Mail App

Can't see attachments on iPhone Mail App


There's a known issue where iPhone users can't see email attachments (PDF) from emailed documents (ex. Sales Invoice with PDF) coming from CustomBooks™ and we're still investigating and working on fixing the issue.


There's a workaround though, there are 2 workarounds for iPhone users to see email attachments:

1. Send the document PDF on the Print Preview screen - This is by sending the document PDF on the Print Preview screen instead of clicking the "Email" button.
2. Download the document PDF and attach it a regular email -  Downloading the document PDF in CustomBooks™ and attaching it to a regular email (not coming from CustomBooks™).

To send the document PDF on the Print Preview screen:

      1. On the document screen (ex. an Invoice), click the "Print" button then select a template to use.
      2. Then on the Print Preview screen, click "Send" button.
      3. The software will ask you what type of format you want to send, just select a format and click "Continue".
      4. The Email Document window will show. Add the Recipient, Subject, Email Body and once done, click "Send" button.

The Email Document screen

To download the document PDF and attach it a regular email:

      1. On the document screen (ex. an Invoice), click the "Print" button then select a template to use.
      2. Then on the Print Preview screen, click "Export" button then select the format that you want to download/export then click "Save".
      3. The document PDF will automatically download then just attach it to an email.

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