


Classes in CustomBooks™ are another way to categorize and group transactions, which may later be used in reporting. They may be applied to Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, Credit Memos, Projects, Time tracking entries, Purchase Orders, Bills, Shipments, Assembly Builds, and Purchase Returns. Some examples of ways classes can be used to group transactions:
  1. Department in a company.
  2. Sales teams.
  3. Separate companies in one account all under one Tax Identification Number.

Creating a Class

  1. Navigate to Lists → Classes.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a class name.
  4. If the new class is to be a sub-class, enter the parent class.
  5. Click Save and Close.

Creating Classes

Changing the Parent-Child Relationship of a Class

  1. Navigate to Lists → Classes.
  2. Highlight the class and drag it to the item that is to be the parent. Alternatively, double-click the class, choose the parent drop-down list and select the new parent. To make the class a top-level class, remove the value of the parent field.

Why use classes? What are they for and what do they do?

If you watch them closely, they do tricks.


Classes are just another tool you can use to group transactions into reportable date. Some clients have assigned a class for each department so that they can track who is spending what money. Other have used them for things like tracking business line transactions, grouping vendors or projects, the list goes on!  Since classes are hierarchical, the possibilities are virtually endless. Put them to work with categories and projects and things practically start to track themselves. Sit back and watch the power of CustomBooks™ help you run your business.

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