Cloud Banking: US Bank to migrate to open banking

Cloud Banking: US Bank to migrate to open banking

US Bank Users: On September 6th, 2023 our financial service aggregator will be migrating US Bank to Open Banking.   
Re-authentication will be needed before September 30th, 2023.

What is Open Banking?

Open Banking is a faster, more reliable, more secure, and more stable way to connect CustomBooks™ to your bank to get your transactions.  It uses an API (application programming interface) to connect to your bank rather than the traditional method of screen scraping.  Eventually all banks will use open banking to allow third-parties to connect to your accounts and get financial information. The migration of banks to this new way of connecting will happen in an ongoing manner, as banks make the changes needed in order for this type of connection to be available.     

What will I need to do to get on Open Banking with US Bank?

All you will need to do is to re-authenticate your account.   To do this, 

  1. Navigate to Cloud Banking.
  2. Choose US Bank from your list of banks.
  3. Click the double box on the right side of the dropdown to open up the bank account details.
  4. Click the Online tab.
  5. Click Edit Sign In Info
  6. Enter your credentials and MFA info, if requested.
  7. You may receive a window asking for permission to connect.   Grant it.
  8. Click Connect.
That's it!  

What if I have issues?

If you experience any issues with this process, please contact our Help desk at 888-328-8275.

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