Cloud Banking : Using Wildcards in Categorization Rules

Cloud Banking : Using Wildcards in Categorization Rules

When categorization rules exist in Cloud Banking, the system will automatically assign a vendor, an account, a project and a class for based on a match with the description of the transaction that is defined in the rule. Read more about this here.

The categorization rules engine supports the use of certain regular expression-like wildcards that can be used in the match patterns.

The following are supported:

% (percent) : A sequence of any number of arbitrary characters.
Example,  W%T will match Wal-Mart or Wedding Hut.

 _ (underscore): A single arbitrary character.   Example:  1_3 will match 123, 133, 1T3, and 1-3

[…] (one or more characters in square brackets): Any single character listed in the square brackets
An enumeration can include ranges (for example, a-z) that signify arbitrary character included in the range (including range ends).
Examples:  1[23]4 will match 124 1234 or 134

[^…] (negation mark in square brackets, followed by one or more characters): any single character except for those listed after the negation character
Example:  1[^23]4  will match 154, 194, 1T4, 1994 but not 124.

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