Coming Soon! Dachshund 6 and some big changes!

Coming Soon! Dachshund 6 and some big changes!

Our next release is called Dachshund 6 (this Friday night) and we have a half a dozen (or is it 6?) major changes we'd like you to know about and be ready for.   Want to ask some questions?    Join our New Release Webinar on Monday, July 29th at 8 am Pacific Time.

Command Bar Changes 

We've redesigned the command bar - the area at the top of the screen that has all of the buttons - with a more modern and efficient layout. The buttons have been replaced with links - some of them drop downs with additional choices - and the new command bar has a yellow background.     Here's a summary of the changes.   

List View Command Bar

This command bar appears in all of the documents/screens where you see a list - like sales orders, cash receipts, etc.

The Create link has been expanded to include other documents that fall in line to be created after the current document.   For example, the Create button in the Sales Order can create a new Sales Order and now can also copy an existing sales order or create a prepayment, Purchase Order or Drop ship Purchase Order.

Show ...
The Show drop down has links to show transactions or recurring templates.

Attachments (x)
The Attachments link now shows the number at attached documents next to the link.

Easily add, remove and re-order columns from the grid with the new Columns drop down.

<-  ->
The column control arrows make it really easy to order the columns in the grid.

The Settings link allows you to save the view you have just created and make as many other views that you would like.  Configure List is is still an option, allowing you to group, order, filter or conditionally display items in the list.

Document View Command Bar Changes

Post and Close, Post and Save buttons. 

These buttons have all been consolidated into one drop down link with the following options:

  1. Save and Close - this will save* (formally known as post) and close the document.
  2. Save and New -  this option Saves* the document, closes it, and opens a new one for editing.
  3. Save - will Save the document which will remain on the screen for further editing or reviewing.
  4. Save a Draft - Saves a draft, an incomplete document  No figures will be posted to the General Ledger with a draft document.
Very important:   With the old buttons, save meant save a draft.   With the UI changes, Save now means what post used to mean.   To save a draft, click Save a Draft.   To Save (Post) click Save, Save and New or Save and Close.     You may also revert a saved document to a draft by clicking Return to Draft.  

Generate ...
The Receive Payment and Pay Bill buttons have been consolidated into the Generate button.   Instead of Receive Payment, choose Generate / Cash Receipt.  Instead of Pay Bill, choose Generate / Bill Payment.

Links to the General Journal entries, Recurring Templates and Transactions button have all been consolidated into a new drop down link labeled Show .   (The audit log is in the More Actions Menu)

Other Changes

Sales Invoice Changes

Import Custom Fields

When importing Sales Invoices using the data import tool, any custom fields that you have created will appear in the mapping list.    This allows you to import custom fields along with the other sales invoice data.

Bank Transfer Changes

We've added the ability to complete a zero dollar bank transfer.

Time tracking Changes

We improved the experience when linking and delinking time tracking records with Sales Invoices.   New warning messages explain the ramifications of delinking and give choices for actions that can be taken.

Sales Tax Changes

  1. When creating a new customer, sales tax rate will auto-populate on the primary address.   Existing addresses will require sales tax rate the next time they are saved and are required* when creating new addresses for existing customers.

Rates are only required if the account has sales tax options enabled AND the customer is taxable.

  1. Sales Tax Rates have been added to Location detail cards.  

  1. On Sales Documents, choose billing, Destination or Origin as the address used for sales tax calculations (applies to the built-in sales tax system only)

  1. Sales Tax calculations have been added to Credit Memos.

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