Getting Started with Cloud Banking
Cloud Banking simplifies financial management by connecting to over 15,000 banks and credit card companies, automatically syncing transactions to reduce data entry and providing a comprehensive view of your company's financial status. CustomBooks™ connects you to thousands of banks and credit card companies in the cloud eliminating the time-consuming task of entering transactions manually.
- Manage your data faster - CustomBooks™ streamlines the banking process by learning and identifying frequent transactions and automatically categorizing them to the correct account codes or outstanding invoices/bills.
- Stay up to date - Automagically syncs your banking transactions daily so you're always working with the lastest up-to-date information.
- Avoid duplicate transactions - Our innovative technology ensures accuracy by reconciling bank transactions with entries in CustomBooks™, eliminating the possibility of duplicate transactions.
- Get more control - Gain control over your accounting records by manually accepting or rejecting individual transactions.
Click to accept a transaction rather than entering it in manually. Verify the categorization of a transaction to teach CustomBooks™ to categorize it the next time automatically. Instantly verify your balances. These are just a few of the time-saving tasks that you’ll enjoy when connecting your accounts using Cloud Banking.
Connecting Bank Accounts
How to connect a bank to Cloud Banking?
Go to Bank > Cloud Banking or click the Cloud Banking icon from the Home Page/Workspace.
Click the Add Account button > Select a site from the list or search for the bank name.
After selecting your bank, enter the bank credentials you use when logging on to online banking.

Un-check any accounts that you wish to exclude from cloud banking.
Select and map a General Ledger account for each bank account that is being added. If a general ledger account does not exist, choose Create New G/L Account.
Click the Proceed button. The accounts will be added and transactions for up to 90 or 365 days will be added for each account.
To learn how to connect a bank account to Cloud Banking, you can also watch our informative video available at this link: Connect a Bank Account Video. It provides step-by-step guidance and valuable insights.
Bank Account Details (G/L Account)
The bank account details window shows the g/l account information such as the code, bank name, account type, bank account #. Here, you'll also find the bank connection info, the import settings, CSV mapping settings, categorization settings, reconciliation setting and the disconnect to bank button.
How to access and open the bank account details?
Click the Open account details button
next to the
dropdown or go to Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Open the Bank Account (G/L Account).
Let’s explore the different tabs available in the Bank Account Details window:
Bank Tab
The bank information tab provides essential information related to financial institutions and their services. Here’s what you’ll find in the Bank Tab:
- Bank Name: This field displays the official name of the bank. It’s essential for accurate identification and communication.
- Bank Site ID: The Bank Site ID uniquely identifies each bank branch or location. It helps streamline transactions and ensures seamless communication between our system and the bank.
- Bank Service URL: The Bank Service URL is the web address where you can access the bank’s online services. Whether it’s online banking, fund transfers, or other financial operations, this URL connects you directly to the bank’s digital platform.
Remember to refer to the Bank Tab whenever you need specific details about a bank.
Online Tab
The online tab provides real-time insights into bank connections. Here’s what you’ll find in the Online Tab:
- Last Updated At: This timestamp reflects the most recent synchronization with the bank. It indicates when our system last communicated with the bank’s servers.
- Last Update Attempt: The Last Update Attempt timestamp informs you of the most recent connection attempt. It’s essential for tracking the system’s communication with the bank.
- Next Update Attempt: The Next Update Attempt timestamp tells you when our system will make the next connection try. It’s crucial for planning and monitoring data synchronization.
- Bank Error Code: In case of any issues during the update process, the Bank Error Code provides diagnostic information. It helps troubleshoot connectivity problems and ensures timely resolution.
Remember to refer to the Online Tab whenever you need to track bank connection status.
Import Setting Tab
Here’s what you can do within this tab:
- Default Expense, Income Account, and Class: Customize your account settings by setting default expense and income accounts. Additionally, assign a class to transactions for better categorization and reporting.
- Bank Feed Start Date: Specify the starting date for your bank feed synchronization. This ensures that you import relevant transactions without duplications.
- Bank URL: Enter and validate your bank’s URL. This step establishes a secure connection for fetching real-time data.
- Default Payment Method: When approving transactions, set a default payment method. This simplifies the process and ensures consistency.
Remember to explore the Import Settings Tab to optimize your financial workflows and enhance efficiency.
Setting the Bank Feed Start Date
Aside from the Bank Account Details Import Setting tab, you can also setup the bank feed start date from the g/l account mapping window (during the bank connection setup)
Screenshot of the G/L Account mapping window during the bank connection setup.
CSV Mapping Tab
The CSV Mapping is an important component of our Bank Import Wizard. When manually importing bank transactions from a CSV file, this tab allows you to define how columns in your CSV map to specific fields within our software. Here’s what you need to know:
- Column Mapping: You’ll need to map each column in your CSV file to the relevant field in our system. For example, if your CSV has a column labeled “Date,” you’ll specify where that information should be placed within our software.
- First Row Contains Column Headings: If your CSV’s first row includes column headings (e.g., “Date,” “Amount,” “Description”), check this option. It ensures that these headings are ignored during import, and the corresponding field mappings are pre-filled based on existing options.
Categorization Settings Tab
This tab allows you to fine-tune how your data is categorized. Within this tab, you can configure various settings related to categorization. Here are some key features:
- Matching Document Limit: Set the maximum number of matching documents that should be considered during categorization. This helps control the precision of categorization results.
- Exclude Check Numbers: If you want to exclude bank transactions with check numbers from categorization, you can enable this option. It ensures that check-related transactions remain uncategorized.
- Other Categorization Settings: Explore additional settings within this tab to customize your categorization experience.
Refer to the Categorization Settings Tab whenever you need to optimize how your data is organized and classified.
Reconciliation Settings Tab
Within this tab, you can configure various settings related to reconciliation.
Default Accounts
- Service Charge Account: Specify the default account where service charges or fees associated with your bank transactions should be recorded.
- Default Interest Earned Account: Set the account where interest earned on deposits or investments will be allocated.
Disconnect Tab
Disconnecting a Bank Account
The Disconnect tab provides a straightforward way for users to manage their online bank accounts.
Disconnect a Bank Account: If you no longer wish to link a specific bank account to our Cloud Banking service, use the Disconnect button. This action will disconnect the connection between our system and the bank, ensuring that no further data synchronization occurs.
To explore comprehensive information about cloud banking, including troubleshooting tips, guidance on working with downloaded transactions, and other essential topics, visit our knowledge base article: Cloud Banking Overview.