Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom Fields


Users may create any number of Custom Fields that can be used in various areas of the software including the following objects:

  1. Company   (custom fields may be restricted to Customers only, Vendors only, Employees only or all three)
  2. Item (custom fields may be restricted to Product Items only or Service Items only or included on both)
  3. Assembly Build
  4. Bank Reconciliation
  5. Bank Transfer
  6. Bill
  7. Bill Payment
  8. Budget
  9. Cash Receipt
  10. Cash Sale
  11. Deposit
  12. Disassembly
  13. Dropship Delivery
  14. G/L Account
  15. Inventory Adjustment
  16. Item Receipt
  17. Journal Entry
  18. Lots Adjustment
  19. Order Closing
  20. Payment
  21. Purchase Order
  22. Purchase Return
  23. Quote
  24. Sales Order
  25. Sales Return
  26. Sales tax payment
  27. Serial Number Adjustment
  28. Shipment
  29. Statement
  30. Time Tracking
  31. Warehouse Transfer

Creating a Custom Field

To create a custom field, 

  1. Navigate to Admin Panel / General Settings and click the Custom Fields link.
  2. Highlight the object that you want to place a custom field on in the list on the left.
  3. Click Create / New.   The custom field creation screen will appear.
  4. Enter a name for the custom field.   This will become the label for the custom field in the software.
  5. Check the Make this a required field if you wish for it to be required.
  6. Choose a value type.
    1. Boolean will create a checkbox custom field.
    2. Date will create a date custom field with a date picker widget.
    3. String will create a free-form field.   The maximum characters and field length may be specified.
    4. Number will create a field that accepts number characters.   Number of characters and precision (decimal places) may be specified.
    5. Address / contact will create a drop-down list of addresses/contacts from your addresses/contacts list.
    6. Company will create a drop-down list of companies from your company list.
    7. Custom Value will create the custom field as a drop down.   If you choose this type, Click the create button and enter the list of values you would like to appear in the dropdown.
    8. Country will create the custom field as a drop-down list of Countries that have been entered in the Country list.
    9. Item will create the custom field as a drop-down list of Items in your inventory.
    10. Sales People will create the custom field as a drop-down list of sales people in the sales people list.
    11. Shipping Carrier will create the custom field as a drop-down list of shipping carriers from the shipping carriers list.
    12. User will create a drop-down list of account users in your account.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Some value types have additional formatting options.    Click the format link to make changes if desired.
  9. Enter a tooltip to include a user tooltip that will appear when hovering over the field.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Using Custom Fields

Custom fields will appear in the appropriate document/object in a new tab called Custom Fields.    The name of this tab may be renamed by navigating to More Actions / Change form,  highlighting the Custom Fields entry on the left and changing the name in the right pane.

 Creating a Custom Field

Last Updated  05/26/2021 - JML
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