Customer Statements

Customer Statements

Generating a Customer Statement

Send users a statement that shows all activity for any given period of time. Generate one statement or one for each customer. Email right from the statement screen.

To generate Customer Statements:

  1. Navigate to Sales → Statements.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Selecting the starting and ending period for the statements using the date picker fields.
  4. Optionally, filter out which customers to generate a statement for by setting a balance threshold.
  5. After setting up the Statement dates and balance threshold, click Show Customer.
  6. Uncheck any customers to remove them from the statement creation list.
  7. Click Generate Statements. Navigation returns to the Statement List screen with the new statements present.

Example list of generated customer statements

From the statement list screen, you may Print or Email one or more statements by highlighting and clicking the Print or Email button.

Emailing Statements

Customer Statements now have email templates! Use new mail merge tags to send Customer Statements en masse and still be personal!  Multiple templates my be saved to make your communications just the way you want them. Set common text and then personalize one or more emails even further.

To Email multiple Customer Statements :

  1. Go to Sales → Statements.
  2. Select Customer Statements that you want to email → Click Email Selected.
  3. You will be asked if you want to include copies of the documents when emailing statements (Optional).
  4. A new tab will show (which is the Emailing Statements window), on this part you can add CC email, change Common Subject, deselect and re-select statements and add personalized email body by adding Mail Merge Fields, newest CustomBooks™ emailing feature.
  5. Once done with your personalized Email setup, click Send button.
The Emailing Statements window showing new CustomBooks™ emailing features

Example: Email Form output using the new Mail Merge Fields template


More Email features :

• Personalized email body can be saved as a Template by clicking More Actions → Save/Load Template.

Saving Email Body as a Template


• You can change the subject and email of a selected company individually in the Statement Information by clicking Change Selected button.

The Subject field where you can change Subject as well the email Address on Statement Information.


Custo™ will notify if a statement or some statements were sent.

Message showing that 2 statements were already sent

Printing Statements

CustomBooks™ optimized printing multiple statements – no more Wait or Quit message! Print as many as you want!

To print Customer Statements :

  1. Navigate to Sales → Statements.
  2. Highlight or select Statements that you want to print → Click Print.
Printing selected statements on Statement list

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