Data Import Tool - Lists

Data Import Tool - Lists


Explore the new features of our rebuilt Data Import Tool for Lists.

  • Import multiple data import types for Lists in the same import session, using one or many files - your choice! Example: Import Companies with it's related data types: Chart of Accounts, Payment Terms, Price Levels, Sales People, and Sales Tax Rates using one iif file and one csv file.

  • New Automatic Default Mapping for iif files. Seamlessly do these imports from QBO or QBD for multiple list types in one import session!

  • Guided Messaging and Wizards to make all your import sessions fast and easy.

  • Continue to your Last Saved Import - if you get interrupted you can finish later and not lose your work!

  • New Mapping Preview spreadsheet with options for Records Handling: Update Only, Create Only, Create and Update. Here you can also manually edit source records and assigning defaults.

  • Manage Staging Duplicates - this feature enables you to assign fields between multiple duplicate records then merge into one.

  • Mapped Record Compare & Select - this feature enables you to compare and assign fields between a mapped existing CustomBooks™ record and it's Staging record.

  • New Mapping Rules - this feature allows you to create a rule for specific fields that can be applied to: that import only; for that data type and all future imports of that type; as well as to all data types for all future imports.

  • Activity Log - this feature shows a clear history of all actions for each import session.

  • Built in special character handling for source files.

  • Flex Date default format and multiple date configuration options. Never error on date formatting issues!

  • Informative data relationship and tutorial diagrams, as well as field samples to visualize where the field shows in CustomBooks™.

  • Rebuilt User Interface and Step tabs guide you through your imports!


To use the new Data Import Tool, follow these instructions:

There are three stages of a data import session: Defining the data types (Main and Related) that you would like to import and their relationships (A); Choosing your file sources, preparing/mapping, and processing the data in a Staging environment (B); and Bringing the data into CustomBooks™, cleaning up/deleting Staging records, and exploring the newly created and/or updated records in CustomBooks™ (C).

Stage A:   Import Types and Relationships.

 Choose Main Data Type.

This is the main data set that you are importing (like items or Customers or Vendors).

After choosing the Main import type (Companies, Items, etc), click Next.

Related Data types are data sets that relate to the main data set.    For example, Item Categories is a list of values shown in a dropdown on the Item card.   So if you are importing Items, you can also import Item Categories. This screen shows which Main Data Type you have selected (1) and allows you to choose Related Data Type(s) to import at the same time (2).  There is a diagram of the data relationships that can help you understand how it all fits together once imported. (3).   You can click objects in this visual representation to see the screen in CustomBooks™ where the data exists once imported.

To select this Related Data, on Tab 2 (Data Relationships) check the checkbox next to the related data that you'd like to import with your main data type.

When you are done, click Next.

Stage B: Selection and Mapping

In Stage B you will be selecting the files that contain the data that you are importing or editing the lists manually.  (see screenshot)  Start with the data type that is numbered 1 and work your way down in the order listed - follow the blue arrow.   Please note that the order of import may be different than the order that you chose in the previous screen.

The order in which data is imported is very important.  Let the system choose the best order for your situation.

Click the hyperlinked data name.   The system will ask you if you want to enter data manually, choose a file from your computer, or reuse a file that has been used in the Tool previously (holds up to five files). Select the method and click on it.  If you chose manually, you will be taken to an templated spreadsheet where you can enter, or cut and paste your data.  (See Entering Data Manually below)   If you chose file, this is where you will upload your file.   Instructions for each choice are below.

Entering Data Manually

If you chose to enter data manually, or to cut and paste,  you will be presented with a screen that looks like a spreadsheet (see screenshot below).     

To enter data, either cut from the source and paste it into the spreadsheet, or click inside of a cell (1) and start to enter the data manually.  
Tab through each row, entering data in each column until you have entered all of the data.

Things to note: 
  1. You can add additional columns by clicking the Add Columns link (2) and checking the fields to add to the import.   
  2. If the field is required, it will be noted in the heading, second row (4).   
  3. The type of data the system is expecting is noted in the header, row 3 (5).
  4. Display preferences and scrolling can be achieved using controls on the upper right (6) 
  5. You can search for records using the search box (7)

If you need to leave the screen before you finish, do not forget to click Save (3) so you don't lose what you have already entered.

Entering Data via an uploaded file.

  1. If you chose to Enter Data via an uploaded file, you will be prompted for the file. Select the file from your computer and click Next.
  2. Choose an option from the Records Handling dropdown.  You can choose to Update Existing and/or Create CustomBooks™ Records which will look to see if the item exists and update it, or create a new record if it is not found, Update CustomBooks™ records Only which will only update existing CustomBooks™ records but not create any new ones, or Create CustomBooks™ Records Only which will create new records and ignore records that already exist in CustomBooks™.
  3. For each row in the table, look at the data from your spreadsheet (3) and pick the CustomBooks™ field to import the data to (4).   You can see a sample of the data by clicking Show Sample (5).  
  4. Repeat Step 3 for each column of data in your spreadsheet.
  5. When you are done, click Save (6).
If you would like to assign default values for a field (the value is the same for every record imported) select Assign Defaults from the Show Fields button and assign the values for each field that needs a default. Defaults can also be assigned in the Mapping Preview spreadsheet.

7.  After Saving Click Import to Staging/All Records.  The Tool will open to the Staging dashboard and notify you of errors between staging records (like duplicates between staging records).
8.  Check the checkbox next to the records to verify them and map to existing CustomBooks™ records - so click Verify Staging Data. You cannot import unless you do this step.
9.  Once Verified the Tool will notify you if there are any errors between the Staging records and any existing CustomBooks™ records and guide you to fix them, you can also delete records at this step. 

10. Once you are done with the verification, and done fixing any errors, merging duplicates, creating a Mapping Rule, etc. click Create CustomBooks™ Data Now.
11. On the Create tabs, click Import Staging Data into CustomBooks™

Each data type that you have successfully imported will have an CustomBooks™ logo dog head next to it. Data types that you have selected a source file and mapped have different icons next to them both in the Selection/Mapping tab and the Create Tab(s). These icons show in several tabs throughout the Tool to guide you.

STAGE C:  Records come into CustomBooks™, Staging Clean up and Exploring the Data

At this stage the records are brought into CustomBooks™ and you see an informative dashboard of what records were created, which ones were updated, and what records errored on import. You will also see a list of all data types imported, their status and record count. 

For Staging Clean up, it's a good idea to delete the records if you are done with them - unless you would like to reuse these records later!  

Choose the data type you want to delete the staging records for, click Delete Staging Objects, select All (for example) and all the staging area will be deleted from the Tool.

And lastly, you can explore all your new data! These links take you only to the data you just created in CustomBooks™ for a clear picture of what you just imported!

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