

Discounts may be applied to Sales Documents in CustomBooks™ in several ways:
  1. On the order total as a percentage or a flat amount;
  2. On the individual lines on a sales document;
  3. On the cash receipt

Applying a Discount on the Order Total

To apply a discount on the order total, use the fields at the bottom of the order (see screen shot below).
  1. First click either the % or the $ to choose the discount type (1)
  2. Enter the percentage or the amount of the discount (2)
  3. The Discount total and percentage will appear in the totals line (3)

Discounting Line Items

For line item discounts, make sure that setting has been enabled by navigating to Admin Panel > General Settings.

Discounts may also be calculated on a line by line basis.
  1. Go to the Discounts tab.
  2. Check the Discount line items checkbox.
  3. On the line item, enter a percent or an amount in the Discount column.
  4. Choose % to apply the number as a percentage  or $ to apply it as a flat amount.


You can also autofill the values by defining a default value and filling the lines. Click the Discounts tab (1) in the order and check the checkbox labeled Discount line items (2) and enter an amount or a percentage (3). Then select a Fill default value (4).

Adding Discounts on Cash Receipts

Discounts may also be added on Cash Receipts.    

On the cash receipt, enter the amount of the discount in the Discount Column on the Invoice Line. The total will be decreased by the amount entered.

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