Document Status Descriptions

Document Status Descriptions

Document Status Descriptions

Many documents in CustomBooks™ have statuses to indicate the point where it is in the workflow. Below are status descriptions broken out by document type.

Sales Quotes

Draft : Sales Quote has not been completed.

Open : Sales Quote is active.   If red, the quote has expired.

SO # : The Sales Quote has been turned in to the order number shown.

Cancelled : Sales Quote has been cancelled and is no longer available for presentment to customer.

Sales Orders

Draft : Sales Order has not been completed.
Open :  Sales Order is open but not fulfilled.
Closed : Sales Order has been fulfilled.


Draft : Shipment document has not been completed. 

Open : Shipment document has been created, but invoice has not been created.

Closed : Order has shipped and has been invoiced.

Sales Invoices

Draft : Sales Invoice document has not been completed.

Open :  Sales Invoice has been created, but not paid.

Paid : Sales Order has been paid.

Purchase Orders

Draft : Purchase Order document has not been completed. 

Open : Purchase Order has is active.

Backordered : Purchase Order has been received or Purchase Order has been partially received.

Closed : Purchase Order has been fully received and a Bill has been created.

Item Receipts

Draft : Item Receipt document has been created but not completed.

Open :  Item Receipt is active.  A Bill has not been created.

Closed :  Items have been fully received and a bill has been created.


Draft : Bill document has not been created.

Open : Bill has been created but has not been paid. 

Paid : Bill has been paid and is closed.

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