Document Views

Document Views

List View

The list view shows the list of the documents that have been created of that document type.

A list of bill payments in the system.

  1. The list may be filtered by any field by using the Configure List option in Settings.

  1. Filtering may be also accomplished by right-clicking a field in the list and choosing "Find <field value>"

  1. Columns in the list may be customized using the Manage Column option in Columns.

  1. Using the search box in the upper right-hand column, search for a value in any column will show the rows with that value.

Individual Document View

The individual document view is where the document is created, edited, and posted. In addition, many other operations are available here - emailing the document, generating the next document in the workflow, printing among others.

A Sales Invoice Document.

Split View

View any two open tabs by using the Show side-by-side or Dock option. To do this, right click on any open tab and select what split type you want.

Vertical Side-by-side View

Horizontal Side-by-side View
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