How to add filter on a General Ledger Report

How to add filter on a General Ledger Report

Adding Filter

You can add filter to meet the report that you need. 

To add Filter:
1. On General Ledger  click Filter button above 'Period (calendar)',.
2. Choose fields that you want to filter:
  1. You can choose from the default fields on the left or you can;
  2. type in the Smart Filter Assistance field as well for better and faster search (You can search for a specific G/L Account, Company, Customer, Vendor, Etc.)
  3. For advanced filter option, click Add Filter → Open Selection Window → click Advanced button then choose available fields to filter.
3. Once done choosing fields to filter, run the report.

Note: You can hide Parameters/Filtered fields as well by clicking the   "Eyecon" on the left side, clicking the red "x" button will remove the filter.

Adding Filter in CustomBooks™ General Ledger Report

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