How to create a Sales Order

How to create a Sales Order

The Sales Order records a request to sell goods or services.

A Sales Order initiates the Sales Workflow and may be for products and/or services. When a sales order is for services only, it may also be referred to as a work order. CustomBooks tracks shipped and invoiced items against sales orders. In CustomBooks, a Sales Order may be created for a sale, but is not required. The creation of a Sales Order has no effect on the general ledger but may be used in your company’s workflow. Sales Orders can be created manually or automatically by an outside system via our API. For more information, visit our developer website.

Creating a Sales Order

  1. Navigate to Sales  Sales Orders.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Choose the Customer from the drop-down list.
  4. The Date, Sales Order # and Ship To fields pre-fill. Change if necessary.
  5. Enter the Customer PO / Reference # (optional)
  6. Enter the Promise Date. (optional)
  7. Click the Addresses tab.
  8. Choose a Ship To address.
  9. Enter the Bill to address. (optional)
  10. Enter the Confirm To contact. (optional)
  11. Enter the Sales Person. (optional)
  12. Click on the Projects / Jobs tab.
  13. Enter the Project. (optional)
  14. Click the Shipping tab.
  15. Enter a Delivery method. (optional)
  16. Enter a Ship from Address.
  17. Enter FOB. (optional)
  18. To enter address information for dropship invoice, click the Dropship tab and enter the Dropship customerShip to address, a Confirm to contact (optional), and a Dropship P.O. / Reference #. (optional). The Copy Main/Shipping button will copy the information entered on the Main tab to the Dropship tab.
  19. Click the Memo tab and enter a memo. (optional). External memos will be included on printed and emailed documents. Internal memos do not print are are visible only from within the sales order in CustomBooks™.
  20. Click the Sales Tax tab and choose the Sales Tax rate for the order, if applicable. (This tab is not visible if Sales Tax has not been enabled.)
  21. Click Add to add a line item to the Sales Order.
  22. On the line item the Description and Price will auto-fill.
  23. Enter the Quantity ordered.
  24. Repeat the previous 3 steps to add more line items.
  25. Enter a Discount % or $ and highlight appropriate toggle. (optional)
  26. Enter Shipping cost. (optional)
  27. Click Save, Save and New or Save and Close to save your completed work or Save a Draft to save a draft to finish later.

Creating a Sales Order

Each line item on Sales Order must be unique, meaning at least one “key” field must differ on each line. The key fields on Sales Orders are Item Code, Location, Expected Delivery Date, Project, and Class.

A Sales Order may be automatically created from a Sales Quote by choosing Generate Sales Order from the Sales Quote screen. A sales invoice may be created directly from the Sales Order by navigating to a Sales Order and clicking Generate Sales Invoice. This method will auto-fill many of the fields and will save time.

Viewing Sales Orders (List View)

To view a list of Sales Orders in the system, click Sales Sales Orders.

Columns may be sorted by clicking on the column name. Sales Orders may be opened by double-clicking.

The other operations that are available from the list view :
  1. Print Sales Order
  2. Print Pick List
  3. Generate Sales Invoice
  4. Generate Purchase Order
  5. Export List (save to excel)
  6. Refresh List 

Sales Order List View

The Sales Orders that appear in this list based on any criteria of your choice. For example, you may wish to only see Open Sales Orders in your list. This feature may be used by clicking the Configure List option in the More menu. From the dialog, choose which field to filter, group, order or create conditional appearance for.

Viewing an Individual Sales Order

To view an individual Sales Order, double click the line of the Sales Order to view.

From the Individual Sales Order view, you may:

  1. Edit a Sales Order.
  2. Print a Sales Order.
  3. Generate a Sales Invoice.
  4. View Transactions associated with this Sales Order.
  5. Create, view or edit a Recurring Sales Order Template (see Recurring Templates for more information).

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