How to create a Sales Quote

How to create a Sales Quote

Sales Quotes

A sales quote is a formal document provided by a seller to a potential buyer, detailing the prices, terms, and conditions for specific goods or services. It serves as an offer, outlining the cost breakdown and validity period for the proposed transaction.

Easily create a quote that can be emailed or printed for a customer. View up to date inventory, cost and margin without leaving the screen with Sales Pal.

Create a Sales Quote

  1. Navigate to Sales → Quotes.
  2. Click Create → New. The date will auto-populate with today’s date. This may be changed if necessary.
  3. Choose a Customer from the drop down list or click the "create item" to create a new customer. If existing on the customer card, the following fields will auto-populate: Shipping Address, Billing Address, Salesperson, Sales Tax Rate. These may be changed as necessary.
  4. Enter the RFQ / Ref #, Promise Date and Expiration date. (optional).
  5. Click the Addresses Tab and enter a Confirm To: address. (optional).
  6. Enter a Project and/or a Class on the Projects / Class tab. (optional)
  7. If this is a dropship quote, enter the Dropship Customer, Ship to: and Dropship P.O. / Ref. #. on the Dropship tab.
  8. On the Memo tab, Enter a memo to be included with the quote in the external memo field and / or a note for internal use only in the internal memo field.
  9. On the Sales Tax tab, enter the Sales Tax Rate (if applicable) or create a new sales tax rate.
  10. Click the Add button.
  11. Enter the Item name or code in the Item field. The Description, default Unit of Measureand Price auto populate if on the item card. These may be changed if necessary.
  12. Enter a quantity.
  13. Enter a Project for this line item. (optional)
  14. Enter a Class for this line item. (optional)
  15. Repeat steps 10-14 for each item for the sales quote.
  16. Click Save, Save and Close, or Save and New to save the Sales Quote or Save a Draft if you wish to continue later.
  17. Click Print Quote to Print or email the quote to the customer.

Creating a Sales Quote
Note: Project and Class may be defined on a line item basis or on the Sales Quote as a whole. If either of these fields is changed in the header, the system will prompt the user to choose if the line items should be updated.

Viewing Sales Quotes

A list of Sales Quotes may be viewed by navigating to Sales → Sales Quotes. The first column includes the Quote Date along with an indicator to the left that looks like a document. If this indicator has a green check mark, it is a finished quote. Those without are drafts.

The list view shows expired quotes in red text, along with the quote’s status:
  • Open. Quote has not been cancelled or converted to a sales order.
  • Cancelled. Quote has been cancelled.
  • SO #: If a Quote has been converted to a Sales Order, the Sales Order number will appear here.

Also included in the list is the email date, indicating the last date the quote was emailed to the customer. Quotes may be sorted by clicking any of the column names which will sort by that column. Other features available from the List View:

  • Create a new Sales Quote.
  • Print a highlighted Quote.
  • Email a highlighted Quote.
  • Cancel a highlighted Quote.
  • Generate a Sales Order or a Sales Invoice from a highlighted Quote.
  • Export a list of Quotes.
  • Refresh the Sales Quote list by clicking the refresh icon.
  • Search for a Sales Quote by typing a term in the Search box and clicking the magnifying glass icon.

Canceling a Sales Quote

Sales Quotes may be canceled from the list view by navigating to Sales → Sales Quotes. Highlight the Sales Quote to cancel and click the Cancel Quote button.

Other Sales Quote Functionality

From both the list view and the individual view, you may:
  • Generate a Sales Order by clicking Generate → Sales Order. This will create a sales order will all of the information entered on the Sales Quote.   You can create multiple sales orders from an quote.
  • Generate a Sales Invoice by clicking Generate → Sales Invoice. This will create a sales invoice with all of the information entered on the Sales Quote.  You can create multiple invoices from a quote.
  • Print a Sales Quote by click Print Quote.
  • Email a Sales Quote by clicking Email.

From the list view, the Sales Quote may be cancelled by clicking Cancel Quote. The SalesPal bar above the line items displays current information about the inventory counts, costs and profit of the line item highlighted. See Using SalesPal for more information.

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