Updating Login Credentials in Cloud Banking

Updating Login Credentials in Cloud Banking

How to Update Login Credentials in Cloud Banking

It’s a good idea to change passwords often. When the credentials used to log in to online banking at the bank’s website change, they will need to be updated in CustomBooks™ so that Cloud Banking can still connect and get transactions. If this isn’t done, the connection may return a 402 error. Here’s how to update the credentials so that doesn’t happen:

1) Navigate to Bank → Cloud Banking.
2) Choose the bank from the dropdown list of banks.
3) Click the double box (edit) to the right of the bank name.
4) Click
 Edit Sign-in info.
5) Enter your credentials.
6) Click

Note:   If the system detects that the credentials have changed at the bank, it will prompt you to re-enter them when refreshing.

Last Updated  03/17/2021 - JML

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