Importing Inventory Updates

Importing Inventory Updates

It’s a good idea to complete the following procedure in your Test Company / Sandbox before doing it in your live account.
  1. Navigate to Quick Menu → Settings → Data Import.
  2. Click Items.
  3. Click Choose file for import and browse for the CSV file that has the updates. 
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Check the checkbox labeled ""The first row of my source file contains headers.
  6. Ensure that How should the system handle rows that already exist? is set to Update existing record and that the Ignore blanks checkbox is checked.
  7. Click the button labeled Load field mapping and choose From file.
  8. Close the pop-up window by clicking the x in the upper right hand corner of the pop-up.
  9. Browse for the file labeled Creative Memories Item Field Mapping.txt and click Open.
  10. Click Prepare Data.
  11. Ensure that the data displayed looks correct and that columns have values.  
  12. Click Check Data.
  13. Check the report and ensure that the Failed count is 0.
  14. Click Back to Data Preview.
  15. Click Import Data.
  16. Ensure that the Failed count is 0.

  1. If this count is greater than 0, click the Back to Data Preview button and check the records that are in red. If possible, correct these record by changing the incorrect values or unchecking the checkbox on that row. Make a note of the item number and request assistance from your Creative Memories partner. 
  2. If this count is greater than 0, make a note of the item number and request assistance from your Creative Memories partner. 

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