Importing Transactions into Cloud Banking

Importing Transactions into Cloud Banking


Sometimes it may be necessary to import transactions into Cloud Banking.  This article will detail the procedures for doing so.

Importing Transactions

Step 1 :  Get the transactions from your bank or credit card's online banking site.  
Each financial institution has a different way of downloading transactions.   If you cannot find the procedure for doing this step, contact your financial institution for instructions.    Most banks allow you to specify a date range and a file format.    Make sure when choosing the date range that you are not overlapping dates for transactions that are already in CustomBooks™ as you will run the risk of importing duplicates.   When selecting a file format, CustomBooks™ can handle IIF, QIF, OFX, QFX, TXT, CSV, or XLS types.

Step 2 :  Navigate to Bank / Cloud Banking.
Step 3 : Choose the account from the drop down list.
Step 4 : Click the Upload button.
Step 5a : Click Import Wizard .

Step 5 b : Choose the file for import.
Step 6: Click ok on the pop-up window.
Step 7: Choose the separator used in the file (most always a comma in a csv, a tab in a tsb)*
Step 8 :  If the file has a header row, check the checkbox.*
Step 9: Map the columns.    In the grid at the bottom, choose the CustomBooks™ field for each column in the spreadsheet.   Keep in mind the first row may contain headers.    After mapping, look at the data in the rows 1, 2, and 3 in the grid for samples.    The Money in column should have positive numbers and the Money Out column should have negative numbers.   If they do not, use the Change Sign checkboxes as needed in the mapping section above the grid.*
Step 10:  Click Continue.*

Step 11:   A summary page appears with the first few rows of data.   Look at the toggle above the grid with For Upload, Incorrect, All toggles.  Each one will indicate a number representing how many transactions fall into the category.   If there are any in incorrect, you may have to add those manually or fix the data in the spreadsheet.   Clicking incorrect will show the transactions and the problems that they have so that they may be fixed.*
Step 12 : Click continue.*
Step  13: The next screen will compare the date range of transactions in the sheet with the period selected in Cloud Banking.   If some transactions fall outside of the period you may choose to import all or import only those that are within the range.
Step 14:   Click continue.   The transactions will be imported.

NOTE:  If the system suspects any duplicate transactions, you will be prompted with a choice to import or ignore the suspected duplicate.

*If choosing a file format that is NOT a txt, xls, or csv, the system will skip this step.

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