Invoice Reminders (Extension)
The Invoice Reminders extension allows you to configure automatic reminders to customers for whom you have have invoiced. The extension includes a number of pre-written email templates that are customizable and allows for the creation of new templates as well.
Installing the extension
Please refer to this article for installation instructions.
Configuring the reminders
To configure the reminders:
Navigate to Sales / Extensions
- Choose Invoice Reminders from the list and click Execute.
- Select the document type for which you wish to configure reminders.
- Enter a threshold amount for which reminders will be sent. For example, if you entered 100, all invoices in the amount of 100 or more would have reminders sent.
- If you wish to limit the customers to which reminders are sent, click, customers and choose the customers to send to.
- In the schedules, tab, click Add.
- Choose "is due in" to send the reminder before the invoice is due or "is overdue by" to send it after the due date has passed.
- Enter a number of days.
- Pick a template to send.
- Click Save.
- Repeat Steps 6-10 to add additional reminders to the schedule.

Note: Currently reminder schedules may only be set for one print form template. Future releases will add the ability to create reminder schedules for multiple print templates.

The system checks to see if any reminders need to be sent on a daily basis at 9:15am Pacific Time and sends them automatically if needed.
Customizing the Templates
To customize the email templates:
- Click the double box next to the reminder template name. The template appears on the screen.
- Make the necessary edits to the text in the box on the left. You may use any of the placeholder on the right side by double clicking it to add it to the template.
- Make formatting changes by using the format bar.
- Click Save.
Creating new email templates
To create a new email template:
- In the email template dropdown, click the green plus sign. The email template composition window appears.
- Enter a description for the template. This will not appear when sent.
- Enter the subject line for the email reminder.
- Compose the reminder text in the window on the left. Placeholders may be added from the list on the right. Format text using the format bar on the top.
- Click Save. The new email template will be available to choose from the dropdown when a new reminder schedule is added.
Pausing / Stopping Reminders
You may pause/stop reminders from being sent by using the toggle labeled Send Reminders to Customers.
last updated on 11/9/2020 - JML
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