Item Categories

Item Categories


Items can be grouped logically using categories.    Categorizing items can provide the following benefits:
  1. Reporting
  2. Pricing

Categories in Reporting

Reports that list multiple items are grouped by their category.  This can be helpful when reading the reports.   Categories are also subtotaled, so this may become useful for quantity or value.   You can also filter by category in  reports.

Pricing with Categories

Using the Price Matrix, you can control the price of all items in a category with one entry.    See the article on Price Matrix for more information.

Creating an Item Category

To create an item category:
  1. Navigate to Lists / Item Categories.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter the Name for the category.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Assigning an Item Category to an Item

To assign an Item Category to an Item:
  1.  Open the item detail by double clicking the Item in the Item List  (Inventory / Items).
  2. In the Category field, select the Category.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Items may have only one category at a time.

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