Item Details

Item Details

Viewing Inventory Location and Quantity Information on the Item Card

There are several ways to view inventory quantity and location information.

Viewing Inventory Location

If a report isn’t necessary, click the Inventory location info button (1, below) near the bottom of the Cost and Quantity tab. The location info window will open and will list all locations with this item, providing counts for the Quantity on Purchase Orders (2)Quantity on Sales Orders (3), Quantity on Hand (4) and Available to Promise (5) counts. The combined totals appear at the bottom of the window (6).
inventory location info
Inventory Location Info

Running an Inventory Item Quick Report

On the item card, a Quick Report can be run that will list the locations with quantities of this item. Click the Quick Report button and the report will be displayed in a new tab. This report may be printed or exported to excel by clicking the appropriate buttons on the report screen.

The Quick Report Button on Item Card

A report that was generated

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