Lists and Settings

Lists and Settings

Other Lists and Settings

  • Countries – comes pre-loaded for you. This list may be added to, changed or deleted if necessary.
  • States – come pre-loaded with the 50 United States. May be added to, changed or deleted as necessary.
  • Currencies – This is a list of currencies available to use in the system. If you won’t be selling or buying internationally, the default currency of USD has been added for you and no changes will be necessary. To use multiple currencies, you must enable this feature in the Features tab. Note: Once enabled, this feature may not be disabled. 
  • Exchange Rates– If using the multi-currency features, exchange rates may be added here.
  • Shipping Carriers – Add, change or delete a list of shipping carriers. This list will appear in the drop-down for shipping carrier on the Shipment document.

Last Updated  10/05/2021 - JML
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