Lot numbers are assigned to a particular quantity, batch or grouping of a manufactured product in order to give traceability from raw material to consumption. In CustomBooks™, lots are recorded on the item receipt for purchased goods and assigned on assembly builds for manufactured products. In contrast to a serial number, a single lot number can refer to many of the product to which it is assigned.
Enabling Lots
Lots are disabled by default. To enable them, navigate to Quick Menu / Settings / inventory and check the checkbox labeled Use Lots/Serial Numbers.
Setting up an Item to Use Lots
Once enabled, the items in your inventory that will use lots will need to be setup.
To setup your item,
- Go to Inventory / Items and double click the item*.
- On the lots/serials numbers drop down, choose lots.
- Click the Lots Tab.
- Pick a Lots type. You can use Lot Number / Expiration or create a Characteristic.
- Presentation / Characteristic
- If you choose Lot Number / Expiration, choose how you'd like them to be presented in the software. Choices are: Lot number, Expiration Date, Lot number + expiration date or expiration date + lot number. You may create lots at this time for existing inventory by clicking the Lots link at the top.
- If you choose Characteristic, create the characteristics
Adding Lots when Receiving Items.
When you receive items ordered on a Purchase Order that use lots there will be a lot field on those lines. Before saving the Item Receipt (or Bill), you must choose a lot for each of the units received.
- To receive the same item into multiple lots, split the quantities on separate lines so that there is one lot per line.
- If the lot does not exist when received, you may create it in the lot assignment dialog.
- If you are using multi-location and need to receive multiple lots in multiple locations, use one line per lot / location combination.
CustomBooks™ will keep track of the quantities on hand, which lots they belong to and which location these items are stored.
Recording Lots on Sold Items
When selling items that use lots, the lot numbers of the item sold must be recorded on the Shipment (or Sales Invoice). Choose the lots that were sold from the lot dialog and quantities will be decreased when saving the document.
Related Articles: Lot Adjustments
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