Merge Tool

Merge Tool

Merge Tool


There may be a time when you have two entities (companies, G/L Accounts, items) that you would like to merge into one.   The Merge tool in CustomBooks™ can assist with completing that task.  The following objects may be merged in CustomBooks™:
  1. Accounts in the Chart of Accounts 
  2. 1099 Categories
  3. Addresses / contacts
  4. Bank transaction categories
  5. Classes
  6. Contact persons
  7. Countries
  8. Customers / Vendors
  9. Item Categories
  10. Items
  11. Locations
  12. Lots
  13. Payment methods
  14. Payment terms
  15. Price levels
  16. Product conditions
  17. Projects / Jobs
  18. Return reasons
  19. Sales People
  20. Serial numbers
  21. Shipping carriers
  22. States
  23. Units
  24. UofM Sets
  25. World Countries

Merging objects using the Merge Tool

  1. Navigate to Settings / Utilities / Merge tool.
  2. Highlight the object type of the items you'd like to merge and click Next.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the records to merge.
  4. Click the next link.
  5. Click Set as original on the record that was the original, if necessary.  Also displayed here is the code and the number of occurrences the merge tool found of each record.
  6. Click Next.
  7. For each field in the record, choose which value to keep in the new, merged record by clicking the radio button next to the value.
  8. Click Merge.   The tool will merge the records and present you with a confirmation and a link to the log for the merge.