Over and Under Shipping

Over and Under Shipping


CustomBooks™ has a robust backordering system that will track an item from initial order through fulfillment, whether it be on the sales or purchases side. The system does not allow for negative inventory balances, but will allow under-receiving, over-receiving, under-shipping and over-shipping.

Each line on a purchase document will contain quantities that will easily indicate the items status in the cycle. The labels are descriptive and specific to each document. For example, on a purchase order the label is quantity ordered and on the item receipt the label is quantity received. Each line has a field for holding the quantity ordered or sold, the quantity received or shipped and the quantity billed or invoiced.

Items are tracked using the items’s original sales order or purchase order number and it’s line number on that order. Because the quantity on a line may be shipped/received on multiple shipments/item receipts, the shipment line or item receipt line number is added to allow the system to track the item through the cycle. You may be asked at times to select the line number from a previous document, which becomes even more important for tracking items with lots and serial numbers.

Backordering (or, Under Shipping/Receiving)

When an item’s original order quantity is not yet equal to the amount received or shipped, it is considered backordered. The PO/SO will remain open until a) these order quantity is matched or exceeded; or b) it is closed manually.

Over- Shipping / Over-Receiving

When an item’s original order quantity is lower than the amount received or shipped, it is considered over-received or over-shipped. The Sales Order/ Purchase Order will close automatically when the bill/invoice is created.

To over-ship simply enter the number shipped on the shipment (or invoice, if shipments are not being used). The sales order should remain at the original quantity.

To over-receive, simply enter the amount received on the item receipt (or bill, if item receipts are not used). The purchase order should remain at the original quantity.

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