Partially Invoicing an Order

Partially Invoicing an Order

When you would like to only invoice your customers for part of a sales order and not the entire order, here are the steps to take. 

1. Create a sales order that has a line item for all items to be purchased. This is our "template" that will be used for the rest of the documents we need to generate, so make sure everything that needs to be included is put on this sales order. In the scenario below, we are going to make a sales order for "Customer 2" who is purchasing various amounts of item 1, item 2, and item 3.
sales order for all items

2. Using the "generate" button at the top, create an invoice. All items are going to be listed at first, but all you have to do is delete the lines for any items that won't be included on this invoice. In my scenario, I am only going to invoice for items 2 and 3 at first. Notice that after I have created an invoice for some of the items, my sales order shows a new status of "partially invoiced."
remove any lines for items you don't want included on the invoice

our sales order now shows as "partially invoiced"

3. Generate another invoice from the sales order when you are ready to close it. Any items that have not already been invoiced will appear on your new invoice, and items that have already been invoiced will be excluded. After all of the items have been invoiced, your sales order will have a new status of "closed."
invoice for all of the remaining items

our sales order is now closed
4. When you are ready to receive payment, you can either receive payment for both invoices at once or separately. This is done with the "generate" button at the top of the invoice. In this scenario, I have a separate sales receipt for each invoice. My sales invoices show as "paid" when I have received payment on both. 
all open invoices will show for that customer, but just select the invoice(s) you would like to receive payment on with each payment

cash receipt #2

my invoices show as paid after receiving full payment for both
From my sales order, I can look at the entire transaction flow in one place. At the top, click on "show" and then "transactions" to see all documents associated with your sales order. This can be done from any point of the transaction - it doesn't have to be looked at just from the beginning. You can see for my scenario, I have 1 sales order, 2 sales invoices, and 2 receipts. Your transaction sequence can vary depending on the number of invoices and receipts you have generated, but the idea is the same. Create a sales order with all of the items included, then separate as needed from there. 
the entire transaction as viewed from the sales order
**I voided an extra receipt in my scenario, so that is why there are a few lines that have been crossed out. Normally these won't be there unless you also have voided receipts**

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