Running Reports

Running Reports


Reports in CustomBooks™ are located in the Reports menu . They are broken down by module and are available in the menu for modules included in your edition of CustomBooks™.

Common Features Across Reports

Report Command Bar

Run report -  runs the report with the chosen settings.
Settings – Allows you to retrieve and use previously saved report settings.
Open New Report - opens a new report with default settings.
Export – Click the Export  button to save the report in a variety of formats.
Print  – Print to a printer with the Print Button.
Send - send the report via email.

Report Settings Tabs  (1)

General Tab

The general tab includes report specific options including accounting method, display options, sorting and period selection.

Filter Tab

The filter tab allows you to filter the report results by a variety of different factors that vary by report.
The Header and Footer tab allows you to add static text to the Header and Footer as well as changing the tItle of the report.

Charts Tab

Using the charts tab, create a variety of charts and graphs using the report data.

Format Tab

The format tab includes page setup option and numeric and/or symbol formatting.

Hide Settings

The hide settings button hides the tabs and the report settings properties panel on the left.  To restore them, click Show Settings in the Settings menu in the Command Bar.

Save Settings

The Save Settings button allows you to save all of the report settings for future use.  Click Save settings, give the settings a name and choose who can view and change the settings in the Save Settings dialog box.

Select Saved Settings

The Select Saved Settings button allows you to retrieve previously saved Report Settings for use.

Restore Default Settings

The Restore Default Settings button allows you to return the following subset of settings to their default status.
  1. General settings
  2. Row/columns settings
  3. Filter settings
  4. Header/footer settings
  5. Chart settings
  6. Format settings
  7. Levels structure setting
  8. All settings

View Mode

There are two view modes that can be chosen when running reports:   Web and Spreadsheet. Choose your view before running your report or switch between the two once the report has been run.

Web View Mode

The Web view mode presents the report in a user friendly manner and looks similar to a printed report.  It is displayed using HTML so this view is good for presenting to clients or analyzing the results.  The web view mode has some limitations: Drill-down functionality is not available in this view, and the level will be shown at the highest of level of detail and cannot be changed. Formatting is also not available in web view mode. This mode can be printed and exported to PDF,  but not emailed directly at this time. Hiding variances and totals is also unavailable.

Spreadsheet View Mode

The Spreadsheet view mode is good if you need to adjust the results or drill down deeper into the numbers. It is presented in a spreadsheet like view. This view has full functionality with levels, formatting and drill-down capabilities. This report will appear left-justified.  This mode can be printed, exported and emailed in various file formats.

The Report level control

The Report level control (2) determines the detail in which the report will show. Click a higher number to see more detail or a lower number to see less detail.   

Note:  This is only available when using the spreadsheet view mode.

Show Variance

Some reports have a show variance (3) toggle that can display variance in comparisons using actual amounts ($), percentages (%) or both ($+%).  This can also be turned off.

Note:  Variance can not be turned off in web view mode.

Formatting buttons

The formatting buttons (4) allow for the formatting of certain text in the Header/Footer and Title sections of the report. UnFreeze will cause the header to scroll when viewing the report.   

Note:  Formatting is only available when using the Spreadsheet View Mode.

Advanced Report Settings

To change the structure of the report, use the Advanced Settings (5) option in the More Menu.

To run a report:
  1. Navigate to the appropriate module in the Reports module and choose the report to run.
  2. Choose a time range in the Period dropdown (if applicable). For custom date ranges, choose  Custom  and enter  Start  and  End  dates.  Note:   This setting differs per report. Some have a date range, others a single date and other a period selection.
  3. Click Settings  or Report Setup and choose report filtering needed.
  4. Click Run Report .
  5. Export to Excel by clicking the Export button. (optional)
  6. Print by clicking the Print button. (optional)
  7. Send via email by using the Send button (optional)

Report Tips and Tricks

  1. In many reports, clicking a figure in the results will allow you to drill-down to see what transactions make up that total.
  2. To hide the report parameters from appearing in the results, click the eye icon in the report setting properties window next to the parameter.
  3. To choose more than one option from a dropdown, choose Open selection window and check the checkboxes of the items to include.
  4. To change the precision (number of decimals shown), zero and negative number presentation, highlight a figure(s) and click Format current numeric field .
Last Updated  11/23/2021 - JML

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