

Sale KeyWith the Salesperson feature, sales may be tracked by individual Salespersons. The Sales by Salesperson reports will list sales by a given salesperson (or persons) for a given time frame.

Tracking a Salesperson on Orders

The salesperson field is located on Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices and Cash Sales. To use the feature, simply choose the appropriate salesperson from the drop down list. If the sales person is not in the list, a new entry may be made on the fly by clicking the green plus button.

Creating a Sales Person

Create a Salesperson on-the-fly while editing a sales document.

  1. In the Salesperson drop-down menu (under Addresses tab), click the green plus icon.  
  2. Enter the name in the Salesperson field.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Sales Person on a Sales Quote

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