Searching using Universal Search

Searching using Universal Search

With Universal Search, find search terms across the entire application. Entering 1234 will search for dollar amounts, document numbers, quantities, phone numbers, everything. If you’re trying to find a needle in a haystack, this is your tool.

To access the Universal Search, click the Search field in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Type in a search term and hit enter. Be amazed at what we find!

Here are some special tricks to expand or limit your results or compensate when the search term isn’t clear.

Search by beginning of string

Use asterisk (*) at the end of the search string.
For example, the search for purch* will return all documents that contain words beginning with purch: Purchase order, Purchase invoice, and so on.

Use the number sign (#).
For example, the search for Sentinel#2 will find all documents that contain words that differ from Sentinel by one or two characters.

Search for synonyms

Use exclamation mark (!).
For example, the search for !cash will find all documents that contain the words cash, currency, or payment.

Searching using Universal Search
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