How to create a Shipment

How to create a Shipment


The Shipment document is used to record the shipment of an order to a customer. In the sales flow, this document comes after the sales order and before the sales invoice. If used, posting the shipment document affects inventory by reducing the Quantity on Hand in the amount indicated on the Shipment.

Enabling Shipments

To use Shipments, it must be enabled.

  1. Navigate to Settings → Sales Settings.
  2. Check the checkbox labeled Use Shipments.

Enabling Shipment from Sales Setting

Creating a Shipment

  1. Ensure that the checkbox labeled Use Shipments is checked on the Sales Order.
  2. From the Sales Order, choose Generate → Shipment.
  3. Enter the Shipment #.
  4. Enter a PO / Ref # if applicable.
  5. Click the Addresses tab, verify the Ship To: and the Bill To: addresses and enter a Confirm To contact (optional).
  6. On the Shipping tab, enter the Carrier, the Tracking Number and FOB. (optional).
  7. On the Project and Class tab, enter a Project and a Class (optional).
  8. If this is a dropshipped order, click the Dropship tab and enter a Dropship Customer, a Ship To and a Bill To address, and a Confirm To contact, if applicable.
  9. Click the Sales Tax tab and enter the Sales Tax, if applicable.
  10. Change the quantities shipped on the line items if they differ from those on the sales order.

Generating Shipment

Emailing a Shipment

The packing list for the shipment may be emailed by clicking the email button. A preview window will appear with a place to enter the to and cc addresses along with a space to add a note to the body of the email. The packing list will be attached as a PDF to the email.

Emailing Packing List

Printing a Shipping Label

Use CustomBooks™ integration with ShipStation to automatically generate and pay for shipping from your favorite carrier.  View this article on Shipstation Integration for more information.

Shipment Status Definitions

Shipment statuses are as follows.

  • Draft – shipment has been created but is not yet finished.
  • Not Yet Invoiced – shipment has not yet been invoiced.
  • Partially Invoiced – some items on the invoice have been invoiced.
  • Invoiced – all items on the invoice have been invoiced.

Under and Over-Shipping

There may be times when you ship more or less than the quantity on the original Sales Order. The system will allow for over and under-shipping on both the shipment and the sales invoice, so there is no need to change the original quantity on the Sales Order in this event.

Under-shipping is when the total quantity shipped on the shipment or the sales invoice is less than originally ordered on the Sales Order and there is no plan to ship the balance. In this case, close the Sales Order by clicking the Status and choosing Closed.

Over-shipping is when the total quantity shipped exceeds the original quantity ordered on the Sales Order and there is no plan for your customer to return the excess. In this case, indicate the quantity received on the Shipment or the Sales Invoice and the Sales Order will close automatically.

Under and Over-Shipping must be enabled by clicking the checkbox labeled Backordering at  Quick Menu → Settings → Inventory tab.
  1. When Printing a Dropship Shipment document, the drop-ship customer’s address that is entered in the Print Options tab will print on the Shipment document. 
  2.  If the quantity of an item is lower on a shipment than it is on a Sales Order, the status of the Sales Order will change to Backordered.  When such time arrives as the remainder of the order is to be fulfilled, a new Shipment document may be generated from the Sales Order.  Once all of the items have been fulfilled completely, the Sales Order status will change to closed.