Overview - System Requirements and Recommended Browsers

Overview - System Requirements and Recommended Browsers

The following are the minimum system requirements for using CustomBooks™. See our recommended system configurations at the bottom of the page.

Minimum System Requirements

  1. A computer or tablet with one of these operating systems:
    1. Microsoft  Windows XP, Windows 7*, Windows 8*, Windows 8.1,  or Windows 10
    2. Linux (Ubuntu 12.04, Mint 12, Fedora 17)
    3. Mac OS X 10.5 or later
    4. iOS 3.2, 4.2 or later
  2. An internet connection with a speed of 56 kbit/sec or greater.
  3. A browser from the supported browser list below.

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome (x32 and x64)
  • Safari 4.0.6 or later
  • Internet Explorer 8, 9 (x86), 10 (x86), or 11
  • Microsoft Edge for Windows (add-ins, file system extension, and cryptography extension are not supported)
  • Firefox 17 or greater (requires plug-in installation on first run)

Recommended System Requirements

CustomBooks™ HIGHLY recommends one of the following configurations:
  1. Microsoft Windows (8.1 or 10) with Chrome (latest version)
  2. Mac OS X (10.5 and higher) with Chrome (latest version)
  3. Linux with Chrome (current version)
Although the platform supports Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, we have seen multiple issues in the application with these Operating Systems.

Although the platform supports Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari, we have had user reports of issues with printing, display, functionality and connection issues when using these browsers.

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