Visual Order Status Indicators

Visual Order Status Indicators

Visual Order Status Indicator

The status indicators allow users to get an overall picture of where orders are in the sales and purchase cycles. The color and fill of these indicators give the information needed without having to dive into each individual order. The status indicators are located in the list view of the Sales Orders and Purchase Orders and consist of two columns:

              Sales Order                                                                                             Purchase Order
  1. Shipping status                                                                              • Receiving Status
  2. Invoicing status                                                                             • Billing Status

Indicator Meanings

(Not Late)
Not yet Shipped, Not yet Invoiced, Not yet Received, Not yet Billed
(Not Late)
Partially Shipped, Partially Invoiced, Partially Received, Partially Billed
Shipped, Invoiced, Received, Billed
Not yet Shipped, Not yet Received
Partially Shipped, Partially Received
(Due Today)
Not yet Shipped, Not yet Received
(Due Today)
Partially Shipped, Partially Received

Please note: The visual order icons do not indicate paid status, only invoiced and billed status

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