What is the difference between the Save buttons?

What is the difference between the Save buttons?


When you are creating any document in CustomBooks™ like Sales Orders, Item Receipts, Invoices, etc you have the option to Save and close, Save and new, Save or Save draft/Back to draft. Here are the major differences between these four choices.

  1. Save and close button will post and at the same time closes the document.
  2. Save and new button will post and close the document and at the same time opens a new document to create.
  3. Save button will basically just post the document and keep it open for further editing or reference.
  4. Save draft button lets you save the document but it will not be posted yet. Basically it means "I'm not yet done with this yet.".
    1. Back to draft button will show on already posted/saved documents. This will unpost the document and saves the document is a draft status.

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