Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts

A Cash Receipt records a payment made by a customer.

In CustomBooks, a Cash Receipt is used for recording the following kinds of transactions:

  • payments received from a customer which  may include partial payments and payments for multiple invoices;
  • sales orders deposits, pre-payments and invoice over-payments;
  • unapplied payments;
  • refunds made by a vendor.

Recording a Cash Receipt

  1. Navigate to Sales → Cash Receipts.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Choose the Customer from the drop-down list.
  4. Change the Date, needed.
  5. Enter the Payment amount
  6. Choose the Payment Method from the drop down list.
  7. Choose the appropriate Type for the transaction.
    • Choose Type – Undeposited to put the amount into the designated undeposited funds account ( chosen in Settings → Posting Accounts )
    • Choose Bank Account to record the amount in a bank account.
  8. Enter the Reference #.
  9. Choose a Sales Invoice to link, if applicable.
  10. Enter a Memo. (optional)
  11. Click Save to save a draft, or Post to record the transaction.

Creating a Cash Receipt

Viewing Cash Receipts (List View)

To view the list of cash receipts that have been previously entered in CustomBooks™, navigate to Sales Cash Receipts.

From the list view, you can:

  • Sort the list by clicking on a column heading.
  • View an individual Cash Receipt by double clicking any column in the cash receipt line.
  • Find a Cash Receipt by clicking Find. (see How to Use Find)
  • Export the list to excel or other format by clicking the Export to Excel.

Cash Receipts List View

Viewing an Individual Cash Receipt

Navigate to the list view by clicking Sales → Cash Receipts. From the list view, double click a column in the cash receipt line. From the individual Cash Receipt view you can:

  1. Edit the Cash Receipt
  2. Email the Cash Receipt (see Emailing a Cash Receipt)
  3. Charge the Customer Using Stripe (see Charging a Customer using Stripe)

In a typical situation, the total amount on the Cash Receipt will equal the total amount of one or more outstanding invoices. There are situations where this will not be the case, however, which include:

  • Overpayment. When the amount received from the customer is greater than the invoices created. In this situation, the excess payment will remain in unapplied payments and will be reflected in the customer’s balance.
  • Recording a Partial Payment. When a customer pays part of an invoice, change the Payment Amount on the invoice line item to reflect the amount received. Specific amounts may applied to each invoice by entering the amount to apply in the payment field on the line. The total received will updated and reflected in the Payment field in the header. By default, the payment amount will be applied to the oldest outstanding invoice first and continue in chronological order towards the most recent outstanding invoice.
  • Recording a Refund Made by Vendor. When you return a product to a vendor, create a Purchase Return and then record the amount received as Cash Receipt. In this case the Vendor name is put in the Customer Field.

Other Cash Receipt Tasks

Applying an Unapplied Payment or Credit Memo:

  1. Create a new Cash Receipt document.
  2. Click the Credits Tab and check the checkbox next to the credit memo that has the balance to apply.
  3. Click Save to save a draft or Post and Close to finish the task.

Invoices and Credits tab on Cash Receipt

Emailing a Cash Receipt

  1. From the individual Cash Receipt view, click the Email tab.
  2. Enter the customer’s email address. If the email address was entered when creating the Customer record, the email address will be pre-filled.
  3. Enter an email address in the CC field to send a copy to any additional parties.
  4. Enter any additional text to be printed on the email receipt in the Notes box to the right of the email addresses.

Emailing a Cash Receipt

 Charging the Customer Using Stripe

  1. From the individual Cash Receipt or Cash Sale view, click the Charge with Stripe button.
  2. If the card has not been registered in Stripe, register it.

The credit card information is not stored in your CustomBooks™ account, it is saved with Stripe.

To use this feature you must have a Stripe Account registered in Accounting Suite (see Connecting a Stripe account to CustomBooks™) and you must have already registered the customer’s card registered in Stripe in their customer record. (See registering a customer’s card in Stripe)

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