Cloud Banking Error Code Reference

Cloud Banking Error Code Reference

Error Codes

Here are a list of common issues found in Cloud Banking and the action to take if you see this in your account.
Error CodeDescriptionError Message in Cloud BankingWhat you can do
400Technical IssueWe’re sorry, your request could not be completed due to a technical issue with the bank. This error will usually resolve itself in a few days. If you continue to receive this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. (400)Please try again. If the action continues to fail, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
401The bank took too long to respond and the request timed out.We’re sorry, your request could not be completed due to a technical issue with the bank. Please try again. If you continue to receive this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. (401)Please try again. If the action continues to fail, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
403Something unexpected occurred.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to technical reasons at the bank. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. (403)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
404Techical ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(404)Please try and log in at your bank’s website to ensure you have access to the accounts you are trying to add. If you do, please try again after 5 minutes. If the second attempt fails, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
408Technical ErrorWe could not find any accounts to update at the financial institution. Please visit the financial institution’s website and confirm your account has been setup and you can log in successfully. Once this has been complete, please try this task again. If you continue to have issues, please call technical support at (888) 328 -8275. (408)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
413Technicall ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(413)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
419Techncial ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(419)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
475Technical Error at the bank’s site.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(475)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
Technical Error at the bank’s site.
We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(476)Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
601Technical Error.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. Please call support for assistance. When calling, please have this error code ready for the agent: 601.Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
409Technical ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275.(409)Please try and log in at your bank’s website to ensure you have access to the accounts you are trying to add. If you do, please try again after 5 minutes. If the second attempt fails, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
411This error is required for sites that are no longer offering web services. This error will be used to indicate to users that they should remove this account from their aggregated accounts.This financial institution no longer provides online services to customers. Please de-activate or remove this account. If you need assistance, please call support at (888)328-8275. When calling, please have the following error code ready for the agent: 411.This bank is no longer offering this service. Please read the User Guide section on Offline Bank transactions to learn how to import transactions manually.
412Technical ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 412.Call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
415To be used when a host site has terminated the session arbitrarily.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 415.Please try again. If the action continues to fail, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
418This error code will be used to message end users that a site is not available because there was a DNS error.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 418.Please try and log in at your bank’s website to ensure you have access to the accounts you are trying to add. If you do, please try again after 5 minutes. If the second attempt fails, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
423The Agent is looking for a required account that is not available at the end site. This may indicate a problem on the end site.We’re sorry, we were unable to find an account at this financial institution. Please verify the availability of your account informationby logging in to your account at the financial institution’s site and try again . If the problem persists, please contact customer support at (888) 328-8275 for further assistance. When calling, please have the following error code ready for the agent: 423.Please try again. If the action continues to fail, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
424Error for when sites indicates web servers are down for maintenanceWe are unable to update your account as the financial institution is temporarily down for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. This problem is typically resolved in a few hours, please try again later. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 424.Your bank is experiencing downtime due to scheduled maintenenace. Please try again after the maintenencewindow has ended.
425Connection Error.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 425.There is an issue witih the connection to your bank. Please try again in an hour. If the problem persists, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
426Connection ErrorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 426.Please try again. If you continue to receive this error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
431This error code will be used to message end users that a site is not available because there was a res:// FILE NOT FOUND errorWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 431.Please try again in two days. If you continue to receive this error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
432Internal Server Error.We’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 432.Please try and log in at your bank’s website to ensure you have access to the accounts you are trying to add. If you do, please try again after 5 minutes. If the second attempt fails, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
402Incorrect CredentialsYour credentials need to be re-verified at the finanaicalinstituion’s website. Please log on, update your credentials and verify that you can access your accounts at your financial institution’s website. Once done, please update your credentials in CustomBooks™. Instructions for doing so may be found here (link to verify your credentials are properly working at your bank’s website. If that is successful and you are still unable to connect in Cloud Banking, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1.
405User Stopped Prcess.Your account was not updated because you cancelled the request. Please try again. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent:405Please click the refresh button or try to complete the action again. If you continue to receive the error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1.
406Navigational error.We could not update your account because your financial instiutuion requires you to perform some additional action. Please visit the site or contact their customer support to resolve this issue. Once done, please try again. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 406.Please verify your credentials are properly working at your bank’s website. If that is successful and you are still unable to connect in Cloud Banking, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1.
407Account LockedAccount Locked (407) We could not update your account because it appears your account has been locked. This usually results from too many unsuccessful login attempts in a short period of time. Please visit the site or contact their customer support to resolve this issue. Once done, please try again.Please call your bank to have your account unlocked.
414Incorect Account TypeWe could not find your requested acoount at the finanacialinstiutuion. Please verify that you have chosen the right bank when connecting by ensuring the URL of the financial institution matches the url under the image when connecting in Cloud Banking. (414)You either don’t have an account at this institutuion or it isn’t the correct type of account for the Bank that was chosen in the initial connnection step. Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1. if you have questions.
416User already logged in.Multiple User Logins (416) We attempted to update your account, but another session was already established at the same time. If you are currently logged on to this account directly, please log off and try again.Please ensure that you are not logged in to this account in another location and try again. If you continue to receive the error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1.
417Account not supportedAccount Not Supported (417) The type of account we found is not currently supported. Please cancel this request and add the account as an offline account.CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1 and request support for this Bank and account type.
420Credential update needed.The financial institution has merged with another and your credentials need to be re-verified at the financial institution’s site. Please re-verify your credentials at the site, update them, and try again. (420)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.
421Language not set to English at bank.The language setting for your account is not English at your financial institution. Please visit your financial institution’s site and change the language setting to English. Once done, please try again. (421)Please change the langauge at your bank’s site to English as other languages are not supported at this time.
422Account is closed or inactive.We were unable to update your account information because your financial institution has reported that your account has been cancelled. Please deactivate or remove your account. (422)Call your financial institution to inquire about your account as it is being reported as cancelled or inactive.
427New promotion at bank.We could not update your account due to the financial institution requiring you to view a new promotion. Please login to the site and click through to your account overview page and try again to update the account. We apologize for the inconvenience.(427)Your bank is requiring that you log in to their site to veiw a promotion. Afferdoing so, you may try the action again.
428New terms and conditions at bank.We could not update your account due to the financial institution requiring you to accept new Terms and Conditions. Please login to the site and click through to your account overview page and try again to update the account. We apologize for the inconvenience.(428)Your bank is requiring that you log in to their site to verify your personal information. Affer doing so, you may try the action again.
429Persoanl information update needed.We could not update your account due to the financial institution requiring you to verify your personal information. Please login to the site and click through to your account overview page and try again to update the account. We apologize for the inconvenience.(429)Please log in to your bank’s site and complete the request to update / verify your profile
430This site no longer supported.This site is no longer supported for data updates. Please deactivate or remove this account. We apologize for the inconvenience. (430)This site is not longer supported.
708Technical ErrorThere has been a tecnical error. Please call support at (888) 328 8275 and provide them with error code 708. (708)Please verify your credentials are properly working at your bank’s website. If that is successful and you are still unable to connect in Cloud Banking, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1.
709Technical ErrorThere has been a tecnical error. Please call support at (888) 328 8275 and provide them with error code 709. (709)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.
801This error is thrown when a refresh has never been done for the item.This account has never been updated. Please try now. (801)Please try again.
505Site Not SupportedWe do not currently support the logon requirements of this financial instituion. We apologize for the inconventience. (505)This site is not longer supported.
506New login information RequiredYour financial insitution is requiring additional information. Please log on to your account at your financial institiution’swebsite and supply the additional information that has been requested so your account information can be updated. Once completed, please try again (506)Please log in to your bank’s site and complete the request to update / verify your profile
507Problem Updating AccountWe have only recently started providing account updates at this financial institution and it may take a few days for infomation to successfullly update for this account. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we add more financial institutions to Cloud Banking. (507)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.
508Use default error messageWe are sorry, your request timed out due to technical reasons. Please try again. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: (508)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.
509Site Device Information expiredWe’re sorry but we could not update your account. Please log in to your financial institution and verify additional information that is requested. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 509. (509)Please log in to your bank’s site and complete the request to update / verify your profile
517General Exception While Gathering MFA dataWe’re sorry, we could not update your account due to a technical issue at the financial institution. This type of error often resolves itself in a few days. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 517. (517)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.
518New MFA Info RequiredYour financial insitution is requiring additional information. Please log on to your account at your financial institiution’swebsite and supply the additional information that has been requested so your account information can be updated. Once completed, please try again. (518)Please try again. If you continue to receive this error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
519MFA Information not providedPlease re-enter your credentials as they are required to log into this site. If you continue to see this error, please call technical support at (888)328-8275. In order to better assist you, please have the following error code ready for the support agent: 519. (519)Please try again. If you continue to receive this error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
520MFA Information MismatchYour credentials need to be re-verified at the finanaicalinstituion’s website. Please log on, update your credentials and verify that you can access your accounts at your financial institution’s website. Once done, please update your credentials in CustomBooks™. Instructions for doing so may be found here (link to (520)Your credentials were not entered correctly before the request timed out. Please try again.
521Update MFA Information at SiteYour financial instituion has introduced a new security authenticaion system. Your credentials need to be re-verified at the finanaical instituion’s website. Please log on, update your credentials and verify that you can access your accounts at your financial institution’s website. Once done, please update your credentials in CustomBooks™. Instructions for doing so may be found here (link to (521)Please log in to your bank’s site and complete the request to update / verify your profile
522MFA Information Not ProvidedYour request has timed out as the required security information was not provided within the given time. Please try again. (522)Your credentials were not entered correctly before the request timed out. Please try again.
523Incorrect MFA InformationThe provided logon credentials are incorrect. Please try again. (523)Your credentials were not entered correctly. Please try again.
524MFA Data ExpiredYour credentials have expired and need to be re-verified at the finanaical instituion’s website. Please log on, update your credentials and verify that you can access your accounts at your financial institution’s website. Once done, please update your credentials in CustomBooks™. Instructions for doing so may be found here (link to (524)Please try again. If you continue to receive this error, please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support
888.328.8275, option 1
525Request timed out since gatherer did not send the response to application typically since the site is slowYour request has timed out due to technical reasons. Please try again. (525)Please call CustomBooks™ Help and Support 888.328.8275, option 1.

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