How to create Sales Invoices?

How to create Sales Invoices?

Sales Invoices track sales of products or services for inventory control and for tax and accounting purposes.
Sales Invoices record a customer’s liability to you and record income from the transaction. The calculations made on Sales Invoices are also used to calculate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Lastly, a Sales Invoice updates Inventory balances.

Creating a Sales Invoice

  1. Navigate to Sales → Sales Invoices
  2. Click Create.
  3. Choose a Customer from the drop-down list. The following fields auto-fill if they were entered when creating the customer record: Terms, A/R Account, Due Date*, Ship To, Bill To, Email Address.
  4. Enter the Customer PO / Ref #.
  5. Click the More tab and enter the Project, Class and Confirm to fields. (optional)
  6. Change the Bill to and Ship to if applicable.
  7. Click the More (2) tab and enter the Carrier, Tracking Number #, FOB and Sales Person. (optional)
  8. Click the Print Options tab and enter Drop-ship Customer, Ship to,Confirm to and Drop-ship PO / Ref #. (optional). Note: The fields on this tab print on the Drop-ship PO; no other operations are performed.
  9. Click the Memo tab and enter a Memo, if desired.
  10. Click the Sales Tax tab and choose a Sales Tax rate, if applicable.
  11. Click Add to add a new line item.
  12. Choose Item from the drop-down list. The Description, Unit of Measure(UM) and Price auto-fill if these fields were entered when creating the item and an associated Price Matrix record.
  13. Enter the quantity (qty), Expected Delivery Date, Project, and Class.
  14. Repeat steps 10-12 for each item.
  15. Enter the discount % or discount (in dollars) if applicable.
  16. Enter the Shipping cost, if applicable.
  17. Click Save to save a draft or Post and Close to finish the Sales Order.

*The Due Date is calculated by adding the Number of Days in the Payment Terms to the Invoice Date on the Invoice.

Creating a Sales Invoice

Note: There must be sufficient inventory in order to successfully post a Sales Invoice.
Sales Invoices may also be created by navigating to a Sales Order and clicking Generate → Sales Invoice. This method will auto-fill many of the fields and may save time.

Editing a Sales Invoice

  1. Navigate to the Individual Sales Invoice that you need to edit.
  2. Edit the fields that need to be changed.
  3. Click Save to save a draft or Save and Post to finish editing.
Take caution when editing posted invoices! Please read the following regarding the effects that changing certain fields has on other data in your account.

  • Changing the invoice date on a posted invoice will affect the following:
    • Prices on lines will be recalculated as the price on the new invoice date may have been different. As such, the invoice total may change based on this recalculation.
    • The numbers and values of items that have been run and printed on inventory reports may be different if the new invoice date falls between the date parameters used on the report.
    • If the invoice has been emailed to a customer and your account is integrated with Stripe, the customer may see a different balance on the emailed invoice than what they see when reaching the Stripe payment screen after clicking “Pay Now” button in the original email.
  • Changing the customer may have the following effects:
    • If price levels have been implemented and the price level is different between the old customer and the new one, the line item prices will be recalculated and may change.
    • If the terms are different with the new customer, the due date will change and affect some reports, including Accounts Receivable Aging reports.

Viewing Sales Invoices (List View) 

To view a list of Sales Invoices, navigate to Sales  Sales Invoices.

From the Sales Invoice list view you may :

  1. Sort the list by clicking on a column heading.
  2. View an individual Sales Invoice by double clicking any column in the cash receipt line.
  3. Find a Sales Invoice by clicking Find (see How to Use Find).
  4. Export the list to excel or other format by clicking More Output List.

Sales Invoice list view

Other operations available from the list view includes:
  1. Print Sales Invoice
  2. Print Packing List
  3. Print Drop-ship Packing List
  4. Generate Credit Memo
  5. Export to Excel (More → Output List)
  6. Copy Sales Invoice (More → Copy or Right-click, Copy)

Viewing an Individual Sales Invoice

To view an Individual Sales Invoice, double-click the line of the invoice to view.
From the Individual Sales Invoice screen, you may:
  1. Print the Sales Invoice
  2. Print a Packing List
  3. Print a drop-ship Packing List (drop-ship)
  4. Generate a Credit Memo (see Credit Memos)
  5. Email the Sales Invoice (see Emailing a Sales Invoice)

 Emailing a Sales Invoice

  1. From the individual Sales Invoice view, click the Email tab.
  2. Enter the customer’s email address. If the email address was entered when creating the Customer record, it will auto-fill.
  3. Enter an email address in the cc field to send a copy to any additional parties.
  4. Enter any additional text to be printed on the email receipt in the Notes box to the right of the email addresses.

Emailing a Sales Invoice


Posting a Sales Invoice creates general journal entries.

  • Debit:
    • Accounts Receivable
    • Cost of Goods Sold (for inventoried items)
  • Credit:
    • Income
    • Inventory (for inventories items
    • Tax Payable

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