The Register

The Register

The Register in CustomBooks™ serves as a ledger for recording your bank and credit card transactions. It provides a clear and organized view of all your financial activities, helping you keep track of your income and expenses. It provides an interface similar to a check register, making it user-friendly and intuitive.

It allows you to manually enter various types of transactions including Expenses, Deposits, Checks, and Transfers. Each entry requires details such as date, account, customer/vendor, payment/deposit amount, and class. It also shows if the transaction is approved in Cloud Banking or if it's been reconciled.

The Register provides a clear view of all transactions related to bank and credit card accounts. This includes cash receipts, cash sales, bill payments, and journal entries.

How to open the Register

From the CustomBooks™ application Home Page, click the Register button under Accounting & Banking module; or go to Bank > Register (under Tools category).

How to enter a Check

  1. Open the Register.
  2. Select the bank account in the Bank Account dropdown button.
  3. Select the Period.
  4. Click the Add button and select Check.
  5. Enter the Date.
  6. Enter the check number in the Ref. # column.
  7. Enter Vendor to whom the check was written.
  8. Enter the G/L Account.
  9. Add a Memo (optional).
  10. Enter the check amount in the Payment Amount column.
  11. Add a Class (optional).

How to enter an Expense

  1. Open the Register.
  2. Select the bank account in the Bank Account dropdown button.
  3. Select the Period.
  4. Click the Add button and select Expense.
  5. Enter the Date.
  6. Enter the Ref. #, if applicable.
  7. Enter Vendor, if applicable.
  8. Enter the Expense Account.
  9. Add a Memo (optional).
  10. Enter the expense amount in the Payment Amount column.
  11. Add a Class (optional).

How to enter a Deposit

  1. Open the Register.
  2. Select the bank account in the Bank Account dropdown button.
  3. Select the Period.
  4. Click the Add button and select Deposit.
  5. Enter the Date.
  6. Enter the Ref. #, if applicable.
  7. Enter the Customer, if applicable.
  8. Enter the G/L  Account.
  9. Add a Memo (optional).
  10. Enter the deposit amount in the Deposit Amount column.
  11. Add a Class (optional).

How to enter a Bank Transfer

  1. Open the Register.
  2. Select the bank account in the Bank Account dropdown button.
  3. Select the Period.
  4. Click the Add button and select Bank Transfer.
  5. Enter the Date.
  6. Enter the Ref. #, if applicable.
  7. Enter the bank account in the G/L Account column. The bank account must be an existing account in your Chart of Accounts.
  8. Add a Memo (optional).
  9. Enter the transfer amount in Payment column if you're transferring/sending funds TO the selected bank account in the G/L Account column. If you're receiving the fund transfer FROM the entered bank account in the G/L Account column, then enter the amount in the Deposit column.
  10. Add a Class (optional).

You can also visit this knowledge base article to know more about Bank Transfers and Bank Transfer Tips and Tricks.

Tips on Entering Data

  1. Use the Enter key to navigate between fields.
  2. To easily enter an account number, start typing either the Account Name or the Account Number. It will appear in a list and may be chosen.
  3. Data saves automatically! There is no need to click a Save button.
  4. Fields underlined in red are required fields.
  5. Click on the document hyperlink (Document column) in a line to view details about that transaction.

Cleared and Reconciled Transaction Indicators

The Register module also includes a Transaction Status Indicator, the status indicator is represented by a column with a bank icon (Status column). This provides a quick visual reference to the status of each transaction.
  1. “C” Status: If a transaction has been accepted or approved in Cloud Banking, a letter “C” will appear in the status column. This indicates that the transaction has been confirmed in your online banking system.
  2. “R” Status: The letter “R” in the status column indicates that the transaction has been reconciled using the Bank Reconciliation module. This means the transaction matches an entry in your bank or credit card statement.
  3. If both conditions are true - the transaction is both approved in Cloud Banking and reconciled in the Bank Reconciliation module - an “R” appears in the column.

Register Settings

In the Register Settings, you can change the Period, the Bank Account, and also include the ability to hide/show the Class and Project column.

The register module includes several automations that save keystrokes and speed up the entry of transactions.

  1. Date field is copied from the previous line.
  2. Check number is automatically incremented and entered automatically for those payments that are checks.

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