Bill Payments

Bill Payments

Bill Payments

With the Bill Payments module, record the payment of a Bill that have been received from a Vendor.

Payments can record payments made by check, cash, credit card or other payment method. They decrease the payment asset account (credit) and decrease Accounts Payable (debit).

You can create a bill payment manually, or it may be generated by clicking the Pay Bill button on a Bill.

Creating a Bill Payment

  1. Navigate to Purchases → Bill Payments.
  2. Click Create. A blank Bill Payment will display on the screen.
  3. Choose a Vendor from the drop-down list. A list of unpaid bills and un-applied purchase returns will appear in the list at the bottom in separate tabs.
  4. Choose a Remit to Address. The contact from this address will print on the Check in the Pay to the Order of area.
  5. Choose the Bills that you’d like to pay with this payment in the Bills tab by checking the checkbox next to the bill.
  6. Click the Credits tab and choose the credits to apply (if applicable). If this step is applicable, you must go back to the Bills tab and re-check the Bills you’d like to pay as checking the credits will cause the bills to be unchecked.
  7. Choose a payment Method.
  8. Adjust the Reference / Check # (optional).
  9. Click Save to save a draft or Post and Close to finish.
Creating a Bill Payment

Generating a Bill Payment

A bill payment may be generated from a bill. When done this way, all applicable of the information from the bill will be automatically filled.

  1. Navigate to Purchases → Bills.
  2. Double-click the bill to pay from the list.
  3. Click Pay Bill. A bill payment is created with the Vendor Name pre-filled and  list of open Bills listed.
  4. Check the box next to the bills to pay. The full amount of the bill is recorded next to the bill. To pay less than the full amount, change the amount on the line. The amount in the header will automatically update.
  5. Choose the payment Account and payment Method.
  6. Enter the payment Reference # / check (optional).
  7. Click Save to Save a draft or Post and Close to finish.
Generating a Bill Payment from a Bill by click the Pay Bill button.

Bill Payments – List View

A list of Bill Payments can be viewed by navigating to Purchases → Bill Payments (see screenshot below).

The columns in the list show some of the information included in the Bill Payment. From the list view you can:

  • Create a new Bill Payment by clicking the Create Button (1).
  • Attach files by highlighting the Bill Payment and clicking the Attached Files button (2).
  • Print a check by clicking the Print Check button (3).
  • Export the Bill Payments to excel (4).
  • Refresh the Bill Payments list (5).
  • Search Bill Payments by using the Search Box (6).
  • Double-click the Bill Payment to open the individual Bill Payment (7).
  • Right click the Bill Payment to copy it (8).
List of bill payments

Deleting a Bill Payment

To delete a bill payment, highlight it in the list view and choose Delete from the More menu.

Making Partial Payments or Over Payments

A partial payment may also be made on a bill payment. The default amount that is populated upon the creation of the bill payment is the full amount but may be changed.

To make a partial payment, create a Bill Payment as described above and change the payment figure to the amount that will be paid. The default amount that is populated upon the creation of the bill payment is the full amount but may be changed. The remaining balance will be noted on the bill for the vendor and will also be displayed in Customer / Vendor Central.

To make an over payment, enter the amount paid in the payment field. A credit balance will appear in Customer / Vendor Central.

Partial and Over Payments

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