How to create a Purchase Order?

How to create a Purchase Order?

Purchase Orders

A Purchase Order is a document presented to a vendor for the purchase or goods or services.

The system uses purchase orders to track received and invoiced items. The receipt of shipped goods is recorded in the system by creating a Bill; once a bill is created and posted, the Received, Invoiced and Backordered quantities are updated.

  1. Navigate to Purchases → Purchase Orders.
  2. Choose the Vendor from the drop down list. The default shipping location is auto-filled.
  3. Change the PO Date if necessary.
  4. Enter a PO Number or let the system auto-assign one.
  5. Enter a Promise Date, if desired.
  6. Enter a Ref# (reference) if desired.
  7. Click the Addresses and Shipping tab and change the Ship to address, if applicable.    Also on this tab:  Salesperson, Ship from Company, Shipping Method, Vendor Address.
  8. Click the Project* and Class tab and enter, if applicable.
  9. Click the Memo tab and enter a Memo, if desired.
  10. Click Add to add a line to the purchase order.
  11. Choose the Item from the drop-down list.
  12. Enter the Quantity.   The cost will prefill based on the Item Last Cost.
  13. Change the  Ship to Location, Promise Date, Project, and Class if applicable*.
  14. Repeat steps 7 – 11 for each item.
  15. Click Save, Save and Close or Save and New.
Purchase OrderCreating a purchase order
Creating a Purchase Order

  1. The Project, Class, Expected Delivery Date and Expected Delivery Location can be changed for each line item. The system will allow duplicate line items if at least one of these items is different on each line.  The fields in the header serve as defaults from what is automatically entered on the line.    In the end, what is on the line item is important.

View Purchase Orders (List View)

To view a list of purchase orders in the system, navigate to Purchases → Purchase Orders.

From the list view you can:

  • Create a new Purchase Order, an Item Receipt or a Bill from highlighted Purchase Order
  • Search for a Purchase order
  • Email a Purchase Order
  • Print a Purchase Order
  • Show related transactions, general journal entries or audit log.
  • Add Attachments to highlighted Purchase Order
  • Export Purchase Order List to Excel, pdf and other formats
  • Add or remove Columns
  • Change the order of Columns
  • Refresh the list.
  • Create multiple views with Filter, Sort, Order and/or create Conditional Appearance Settings.

Purchase Order List View

Viewing an Individual Purchase Order

To view a Purchase Order, navigate to the list view by clicking Purchases → Purchase Orders. From the list view, double-click the purchase order you wish to view.

From the individual Purchase Order view you can :

Tracking Received and Invoiced Items

The system uses purchase orders to track received and invoiced items. The receipt of shipped goods is recorded in the system by Creating a Bill; once a bill is created and posted, the Received and Invoiced totals are updated on the Purchase Order.


Backorders are noted on the purchase order if the vendor partially delivers the quantity requested on the Purchase Order. The backordered quantity is updated upon creation of a posted Bill that has a quantity of one or more items that is less than the quantity ordered on the Purchase Order. When this condition exists, the status of the Purchase Order is set to Backordered until an additional bill is created to record the receipt of the rest of the items ordered.

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